(to use with that beautiful Ksplash/ML!)
Mh...I've seen something like that before...I hope you like it.
Thanks to the suggestion of an anonymous I've changed the font and it look nicer now but I still not like it...probably is because of the color I choosed...any suggestion?

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perhaps it would look better, when you choose white as text color..
Many many thanks Fab! I don't know if my ksplash is nice enough for Ksplash/ML...I think that that beautiful module should have a more "generic" and KDE-like look. Then...if one want to change the default splashscreen could get it here or create it with gimp as I done :) Anyway...THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your comment!
imagino, nice splashscreen .. right now Im using it in combination with KSplash/ML (also on kde-look.org), which I think YAKS could be a killer add-on for that splashscreen/kcontrolmodule. Maybe it could be bundled together as a package where we can choose our splashscreens at startup --- think about it .... --- Fab
I'm glad for your comment! I'll try to use the font you said...and soon upload the result!
I love it, just change the font "KDE" is written in to something more like Garamond and it would be perfect.