Description: This splash screen was inspired by the LCARS Computer from Star Trek. In difference to the most other splashs this splash is based upon the "redmond" engine.
I'd like to see that enlightenment theme ported to KDE ... I'm not fluent enough in C++ right now to do this and I have no clue about Qt so is this actually possible? If it is, I certainly hope somebody is working on it!
I created a LCARS windeco kdevelop3 Project. This is a good starting point for developing a kwin decoration. But I haven't the time yet to create a working LCARSdeco. I will publish this project in the next days and hopfully somebody could use this to create a windeco for us.
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I'd like to see that enlightenment theme ported to KDE ... I'm not fluent enough in C++ right now to do this and I have no clue about Qt so is this actually possible? If it is, I certainly hope somebody is working on it!
I created a LCARS windeco kdevelop3 Project. This is a good starting point for developing a kwin decoration. But I haven't the time yet to create a working LCARSdeco. I will publish this project in the next days and hopfully somebody could use this to create a windeco for us.
Now the only thing you need to do, is to configure KDE to work with Enlightenment and use the LCARS theme:
Possibly somebody could create a color sheme in lcars design? Then we are a step more to a complete LCARS style