..::The Dark Theme::..

Various Gnome Stuff

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You can just download the "theme" ("files") part of this for an update, which is much smaller than the whole original package; the desktop backgrounds and icons are now offered separately! In the event of a Wallpaper/Icon update, you will notice it posted here, otherwise, just re-download the ~1.7Mb theme!

This theme includes not only the screenshots (in fact, not even the screenshots ), like the previous version, but also all the contents! Now, you can simply download these 2 packages and extract a beautiful...
-2 GTK themes
-27 high resolution background images!
-3 window borders
-2 nautilus patterns
-4 panel images
-2 gnome icon sets
-3 cursor themes
-2 GDM themes
-11 splash screens
and bonus firefox theme
Last changelog:

2.0 --> 2.1:

-added cursors, nautilus patterns and backgrounds

2.1 --> 2.2:

-added cursors, backgrounds, window border, fixed 1 folder name

2.2 --> 2.3:

-added GDM, splash screen, panel
(note: I haven't actually used the splash screens, so I don't know if they work all that great or not! )

2.3 --> 2.3.5:

-added individual credit for license (where it could be obtained)
-fixed one filename
-removed "handhelds" cursor theme

2.3.5 --> 2.4:

-added panel, window border

2.4 --> 2.5:

-added backgrounds, icon theme, removed messy backup files

2.5 --> 2.6:

-added backgrounds, resorted; this makes an update less strenuous on you for downloading, and me for uploading!
The new method is described in more detail in description

2.6 --> 2.7:

-added cursor theme

2.7 --> 2.8:

-added metacity theme
-added backgrounds

Ratings & Comments



I am also having a problem seeing white text on firefox pages that have white backgrounds. It would be great if there was a way to fix this but if not is there a way to make it so the Theme doesn't affect the browser? Thanks!


As far as I know, the only way around this would be to just set specific colours in firefox... there will always continue to be unreadable things though, like some popups for gmail notification, etc.


umm i have a problem in like alf the web sites in firefox that have white backgronds the writing is white and i cant read it example :: http://www.ubuntu.com/ and i would like to no how to fix it.


dude you are the man,,,,,i was looking for a theme just like this...thanks...keep updating and upload new themes like this....thanks..


Just wanted to let the author know that he supplied some symbolic links in the download files. If anyone has had any problems using specific icons and such that is the reason.


As said above: remove "not entirely made by me" from the title, write the original Theme Name and Author (maybe with link) in your description above and everything is fine. Of course, Neutronium is under GPL, but it's a kind of respect for the work others have invested. In this case: mine and Nanoflowers. Thank you.


ok, I'll post the license on the main page, and change that name, but there is really no room for like 10 lines of different credits in the title!


Nice compilation, But the original theme names and especially authors should have been credited on *THIS PAGE*, "not entirely made by me" is not a good/ethical explanation.


Just noticed, it was you who made the "cillop" theme! It's great, and definitely wouldget put in, but it's more blue-ish, and I'm looking for pretty much just black, and maybe a very dark, but vibrant desktops :)


Grrr, the download website requires cookies.


If you want, I'll change that, but I didn't know that!? :)


...on something. Maybe this: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=59189&vote=good&tan=84961908


well, it is the same GTK theme after all! :)


...in which case it would be nice to give the original author of the theme credit - at the very least! I don't really know what's going on here, but using somebody else's theme and renaming it, especially as "my theme", seems completely wrong. :/


well, I did say in the license in the package that everything without a "*" in the file name is NOT mine, but I guess it would make sense to track down the actual authors and list them :) I'll have this done for the next release, or if I finish soon :)


ok, happy now? :P no, your right; that is a good idea, and I should have done this awhile ago, but at least I didn't claim it as mine! The point of it is to provide a nice package without hunting down the very few good dark-ish theme parts! :)


There are always down-voters, especially wallpapers get ranked on regularly. I personally think your theme is beautiful. In fact, it's one of the very few darker themes that I find usable. Really, folks: if you cast a down vote, that's cool. But do tell the themer why you don't care for it. This is how stuff is improved.


Thanks, I thought the same thing too - so many have obvious defects, or are white in so many small places! :)


It's not the that people vote down, but its the way the rating appears to work: if a lot of people download it but dont vote up, it gets ranked down a bit (votes / downloads sample). I see this hapening on my content too.


Yeah, that happens a lot, people are too lazy to rate up or down unless they absolutely LOVE it, or HATE it like s*** :)


Just wondering why the rating isn't quite what I expected. If you vote down (and this really should go without saying for any piece) please tell me (or the author :)) why...

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version 2.8
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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