Description: **** If you like this conky, please vote it up. ****
A facebook friend asked me about the conky that displays the calendar and the quotes ( the one on the top-right position of the screen) so I upload it here.
To use this conky setup ( if you dont want to change the conky file), you need to move the file "" to "~/script/"
This conky setup displays a horizontal calendar.And as you see in the screenshot, the calendar will highlight the current day and display the past and future days in different colors. It also displays different numbers of days in respect to each month ( for example, January will have 31 days appearing and Febuary in a leap year will have 29 days appearing)
To display the random quotes, you need to install a package called "fortune" (if you use ubuntu or the like distros, type this in the terminal " sudo apt-get install fortune"). The quotes list I'm using was created by myself, I named it "fran".In the setup, I set each quote will appear in every 30 seconds. If you want to change the time interval, just edit it in line 39 ( in the part "execi 30 fortune fran" - "30" here is the time interval and "fran" is the fortune quotes list).
To make a fortune quotes list of your own, do as following:
1 - Make a list of your favorite quotes in your text editor. ( I got mine from
You need to make the list in a specific format, for example:
Quand je mourrai, je voudrais faire comme mon père : partir calmement pendant mon sommeil. Pas en criant de terreur comme ses passagers.. % C'est toi le nouveau ? Je ne sais pas, je viens d'arriver % N'ayez pas peur que la fin du monde soit pour aujourd'hui... En Australie, c'est déjà demain ! % La Terre ferme, tant pis, on ira ailleurs. % L'éternité c'est long, surtout vers la fin. %
The important part is that you need to end each quote with the percentage symbol (%).
2 - Give the text file a name and save it ( for example, I named it "fran", saved it in ~/Documents ) 3 - Create a dat file of the text file you just saved, run this command on the terminal: " strfile ~/Documents/fran " ( "~/Documents/fran" is the path to my text file, you need to use the path of your text file here )
After this step you will have two files, the text file and the dat file. For example, in my case, I have "fran" and "fran.dat" 4 - Move the two files to /urs/share/games/fortunes/
That all you need to run this conky setup properly. Hope you guys like it.
PS: the fonts I use are "Sahara" and "Caviar Dreams", you can search and download them @ http://dafont.comLast changelog:
Feb 12th: fixed the bug that displayed 29 days in February in a normal year.
Feb 19th: corrected some grammatical mistakes in the instruction.
:D thanks for your appreciation. If you like the conky on the left, I'd upload it soon. Personally I thought this one is a little bit bulky and nobody would love it lol.
Ratings & Comments
I couldn't run it
Thank you for sharing this amazing desktop. What's this wallpaper you're using?
I think I got it from here
Thx. Looks great
Wooow! Absolute amazing your desktop! Love everything! Are you planning to make available your left conky? ;)
:D thanks for your appreciation. If you like the conky on the left, I'd upload it soon. Personally I thought this one is a little bit bulky and nobody would love it lol.
Cool :D
I'd love to see the left conky too...
Nice, but there is a bug in leap day calculation, this year february actually has 28 days.
I'm really sorry for my carelessness. Bug already fixed. Thanks for your reporting.
what dockbar used in your desktop? thanks
just the gnome panel with dockbarx applet and gnomenu.
thanks for your appreciation.