MacSlow\'s Cairo-Clock
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
New feautures are for release 0.3.2 are...
- 24h-mode added
- many new themes
moonhyunjin@gmail.com recently sent me a FC5test3 source- and binary-RPM of the 0.3.1 release. Added them to the available download-links.
I just added a gentoo-overlay for the 0.3.1 release kindly provided to me by sasuomin@uusikaupunki.fi
New feautures are for release 0.3.1 are...
- added four new themes (zen, antique, - radium, funky)
- fixed desktop-menu entry
- added man-page
- shaped input via XShape 1.1 added
- more robust command-line handling
- sticky-option added
New feautures are for release 0.3 are...
- persistence (all settings are remembered)
- performance-tuning (uses surface buffering)
- desktop menu-entry (see Applications/Accessories)
- preferences dialog (quite HIG-compliant)
- on-the-fly theme-switching
- four themes (default, fdo, glassy, simple)
- more command-line arguments (try --help)
- binary- and source-rpms (for FC5test2)
- deb for Ubuntu (Dapper Drake)
- overlay/ebuild for Gentoo
Ratings & Comments
hi all i need help to install this clock themes in my gnome desktop. i am using fedora 7 i tried with fc4 but could not get it right how to use the forum to submit new posts
It would appear that the clock doesn't like AIXGL. If you use that as a renderer then you get a grey box instead of the clock. This happens with Beryl.
I installed the Cairo-clock program from the Ubuntu archive but I cant get the darn thing to work! I run cairo-clock from Alt+F2 and a white box will show up for where the clock should be, I right click it and choose a theme but no clock will show up. I use beryl and have it running, I dont know if that has anything to do with it.
Try to launch it, for example, with such command: "cairo-clock -w 300 -g 300 -s -t glassy -d -x 200 -y 200" It seems like with Beryl not all sizes drawed correctly
I usually have lots of windows maximized when working. The quickest way to see what is on my desktop is to use the 'Show Destop' button (gnome+metacity) that minimizes all windows. It would be cool if the clock window wouldn't minimize too when doing that, but i guess this is window manager's fault :( , can it be tricked somehow to never send to tray the clock window ?
Wont work here i have 64 Bit, It looks good thou
Works great. Nice looking themes. Any thoughts on making it transparent? It looks as if the clock is inserted in a black box. Looks great when I black solid color for desktop background.
I have this problem under Edgy too. I tried compiling the latest cairo from source but that didn't help either ...
does it work on Fedora 5-gnome? and how may I install it...
Please make package for SuSE linux/// I can't build this :(
Hi, does anyone know how to make the clock round and not having the square border around it ?? thanks ! great app !!!
Could anyone tell me how to run this clock on dapper drake? I've installed 2 display managers (xcompmgr and compiz) but I don't know how to run it (can't find display error). What should I write for default in console? in etc/X11/xorg.conf where should I add Composite, and what should I write? Thx for help
can someone pls tell me how to use the MacSlow\'s Cairo-Clock on gnome? I can't do it from preferences-->theme. thanks in advence
When you started cairo-clock right-click on it and be surprised :) There's also a man-page installed with it. So just do a: man cairo-clock and read a bit about it. Best regards... MacSlow
Any chance to get this working with AIGLX?
I don't run AIGLX myself, but heard from people who use AIGLX that it works. That's all I can say about it at the moment. Best regards... MacSlow
Hey, im running xcompmgr on Xorg7.0 but still i get a black square around the clock. any idea why ? even the composite extension is enabled in the xorg's config. heres a screenshot of how it looks : http://priyank.one09.net/cairoclock.png Anyways, great work man :-)
Ehm... not sure. Aside from double-checking that you are really running on X11 with enabled "Composite": xdpyinfo | grep Composite I would try to run xcompmgr with different parameters. I tend to call it like this: xcompmgr -cCfF -r15 -o.75 -l-20 -t-17 -D6 Best regards... MacSlow
you have to enable ARGB windows with xcompmgr, see if there is a commandline option for this, i'm not sure...
I love this, it's beautiful :) Great work. One problem though, the clock doesn't seem to have transparency on my box, the clock is displayed on top of a black square.
Oh please people... do read the requirements on the project-page. You need Composite enabled in your xorg.conf and a running compositing-manager like xcompmgr or compiz. Folks running it under KDE/kwin also reported that kwin's compositing-manager works too. Best regards... MacSlow
Sorry, I missed it. Maybe it would help if you'd place a separate paragraph in description, with a list of the dependencies? Currently it says "It leverages the new visual features offered by " in the description, if you would write "requirements" in capital letters it would be harder to miss.
*cough.cough* http://macslow.thepimp.net/?page_id=23#mark_5 *cough.cough* :) Best regards... MacSlow
indeed, it worked just fine. see this screenshot: http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/3908/screeny303jz.jpg i posted this message twice, since the original message was too deep into the another thread :)
This is awesome. It just works! Even with Compiz on Dapper Drake! Thanks