I'll be posting things as I'm making them. Since I've just finished that panel part I post it. Next thing I'll take care of should be the overall GUI (metacity / gtk), ... until I can finally make a "final desktop screenshot"

Note to people who don't really understand what Mockups are : These are only pictures that people draw to give an idea of what they'd like so you can only see / download but you can't do anything with these.
For those who wonder if a GTK2 is on the way, yes it is. But it will be different because of pixmaps limitations...
Ratings & Comments
very good.. can we see more?
Shouldn't this be in the Topaz Brainstorm section?
Wow dude...why don't just the gnome art team gets you in?? haven't you considered being part of the gnome dev team?? I am sure you could do very good stuff. (just as now). Thank you and please keep beutifying our beloved Gnome :-)
Thank you ^^. Well I'll try to share my work with them :).
I would like to see the application icons in the panel expand or pop out, similar to the Elive E16 desktop panel. Also an attractive analog clock applet for the panel would also be nice IMHO.
Why not :). I'll make that tomorrow :).
is great i hope in gnome 3 works great with metacity and compiz ,i mean have compiz all decoration but at the same time you can selected your theme chenge the window borders and things like that.
gimmie. although i like this appearence better.
Actually I didn't want it to look like Gimmie but now you say that you're right :). When it'll be more stable and if we can theme it maybe... ;). Thank you :).
Nothing in official gnome and critical apps must be based on mono. Actually, the official desktop must rely only on C. There are already too many exceptions to this rule: python and C++. Adding more bloat to gnome is not a good idea. And... "backward compatibility" IS bloat.