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>> INTRO: As most eyecandy enthusiasts, I have an addiction with OS X's looks, therefore I created a clock like the OSX dashboard's one. Imho it is even better (MacSlow's platform beet's the dashboard, I guess)-check it it's the second screenshot one. PLZ oh plz rate or leave a comment, as the only thing I get from these efforts is satisfaction.

**** Fixed a bug that prevented cairo-clock from starting, while using ZTiger - I am trully sorry ****

>> PREVIOUS INTRO: Well I keep trying to create new stuff, I hope you like these clocks and I ain't wasting my time. Plz leave a comment or at least rate the this, so that I know your feelings on the clocks.
Now I came up with an elliptical clock, trying again to create sth that is different, so it is a "Z" one. I hope you like it.
I made major changes to ZSquare so it appears in the same size as all other clocks.

>> NOTICE: After thorough study of other themes I came up with TurboClocks, I use Red-Haze's ring and "fingers", and default theme's glass effect, the others are custom created by me. All TurboClocksZ themes (including ZTiger) are completely made from scratch.

>> HOW-TO: Just untar the file in your ~/.cairo-clock Folder, if you don't have one create it, restart cairo-clocks and it should appear in the theme list,under properties.

***** Remember to edit the clock-face.svg inside ZTiger's folder and change Athens to your city *****

>> CONTENT: ***themes number = 10***
Last changelog:

15-09-06: v. 0.1.0: First upload of the Clown-orange colored version of TurboClock.

16-09-06: v. 0.2.0: Tons of fixes in order to look more realistic, three colour variaties added.

17-09-06: v. 0.2.1: Added "Sky" colour variation.

18-09-06: v. 0.2.2: Added TurboClockClassy, which is made in a completely new basis.

26-09-06: v. 0.2.3: Added TurboClockZSquare, TurboClockCandy and renamed the "special" themes by adding Z in their name. Also renamed TurboClockClassy to TurboClockZGlassy.

26-09-06: v. 0.2.4: Modified ZSquare's hour and minute handle to silver.

27-09-06: v. 0.2.5: Addded TurboClockZEllipsis, heavily modified ZSquare to match other clocks size.

28-09-06: v. 0.2.6: Fixed ZSquare and ZEllipsis minor issues.

29-09-06: v. 0.2.7: Fixed ZGlassy hour and minute fingers, so that the time is clear. Removed Classy clock as it was a left-over clone of ZGlassy.

30-09-06: v.0.2.8: Fixed shadows for all clocks, now looking more realistic. Added shadow to TurboClockZSquare.

03-10-06: v.0.2.9: Added TurboClockZMetal.

07-10-06: v. Modified ZMetal's face and ring, so it looks more real now.

08-10-06: v. Modified ZSquares ring and face, again I hope now it's more realistic.

27-10-06: v.0.3.0: Brand new release of a Macish, black hot looking clock, TurboClockZTiger.

29-10-06: v.0.3.1: Fixed Ztiger's bug which prevented cairo-clock from starting. Changed Ztiger's Numbers Font.

Ratings & Comments



Nice collection of clocks. I like the Candy and Jewel clocks. Really great.


Great job! The Jewel theme goes great with my Ubuntu desktop! Thanks so much for making these!


Tank you, I really appreciate your compliments. You really cheered my up m8! I hope you will find future addition as well as the other themes so nice.


thanks man i downloaded works great


so..there you go is like the one that you made already but i have this idea to remove the square leaving just the black clock.


I did what you suggested, but I didn't find it's nice enough to make it to the pack release. You can download the file here though, I hope you like it at least: !!! PLZ let me know when you have downloaded the file, so I can delete the link !!!


Can you change the category to Cairo-Clock Themes, please?


It is not yet possible, try to create sth and put it in cairo-clock themes and you will see it yourself.


yeah nice man maybe you should make one like radium theme but 12 hr mode you know like the osx one in dashboard.


I 've never seen this, have you got a link so I can see it? If it is good looking (lol like it may not be)I 'll be happy to try.


Love these clocks. hard to decide which one to use. keep up the good work :-)


Thank you very much m8, I really appreciate your comment!


hey that awesome panel like osx is engage right or kiba-dock?????


It is kxdocker... trully awesome! You liked the clocks btw?


hi,turbojugend I like your ethernet and memory monitor at top of your second snapshot,how did you get it? how can I install it too? best regards


Well if you have gdesklets just add the appropriate desklets (FTB mem-gauge and FTB net gauge). Them place them where you wish on your desktop and remove all the borders from the properties. Also make their scheme white again from properties.


These are included in the System Monitor panel applet.


M8 you seem in a hurry, he was talking about a previous screenshot. ;)


Greetings turbojugend! Nice theming-work! I'm glad people start picking up the fact that the look of the clock can be altered. I hope you won't hate me once cairo-clock 0.4.0 is done. I've changed the themeing (simplified it, only one SVG-file for a whole theme). Best regards... MacSlow


I have successfully installed cairo-clock on FC5, but I can't make it transparrent. ...well, I can make it transparrent by enabling xcompmgr. ..but whenever I enable xcompmgr gnome-panel disappear. there a way to fix this? ...thanks a lot!


MacSlow's Cairo Clock needs a composite manager running to be transparent. f you have an issue with your composite manager you need to turn to fedora core or compiz forums for help. I use ubuntu and compiz so I can't help you on that, sorry.


Thanks a million MacSlow! I am flattered by your comment, I always tried to create sth beatifull and your amazing application (the Clock that would be) was the perfect base! Again thanks a million. As for the one file theme... i hope it is as functional as the way it is now.


It is. The main difference is that you'll put every part in a seperate layer instead of a seperate file. The parts are then identified by the layer-name. Best regards... MacSlow


Actually I sent you an e-mail, concerning this subject at the adress shown in your profile, I hope you got that. I don't wish to open a discussion here as this is a place for comments on the content. The thing is that I have some views on this subject that I would be glad to share them with you. Again with millions of "thank you" for your interest on my efforts, and views!


I like this little fish. Where can I find it? TIA

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