The weather scripts is included.
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Ratings & Comments
nice config! thanks a bunch!
got a few questions. - first would be if this project is still active. last post is a bit old. - next, what would the script be for internal lan address? - last, have not yet connected to wlan. is this script going to monitor up/down on wireless as well as wired lan? thanks.
can you give a simple how-to on changing the font/font size/font colour in xslt?
Thanks for the scripts. I really enjoy it :-)
beats having superkaramba for the same thing. looks great. it didn't fit my screen in the beginning, but it was easy to mod.
I'm glad you liked it. :)
hi, very nice looking. i am new with linux. i am using linux mint (ubuntu) and installed conky with synaptic. i got conky running by typing 'conky' in terminal. now, how do i add your download to make my conky look cooler. thanks for your help.
Rename the file to ".conkyrc" and put it in your home folder. (Ctrl + H to hide/show hidden files. The dot in front of the filename means it's a hidden file. If you want Conky to autostart just ad it to Sessions (System / Preferences / Sessions). Sorry for my poor english. :)
hi, and thanks for reply. i extracted your download and renamed the 'conkyrc' folder to '.conkyrc' is that right? that folder contains three files. correct, it is now hidden. i can add it to my startup easy but when conky starts it starts with the default look in the lower left corner and i want your conky on right side of screen. any suggestions on what i may be doing wrong? Thanks. ;)
It is the file in the folder u extracted u should put in your home folder. :) And in the bottom at the conkyrc file u will find this line: "${execi 1800 /home/johan/Scripts/weather.sh SWXX0006}" Change the directory so it match the url where you have the "weather.sh" file. And in the "weather.sh" u will find this line: "RUNDIR=/home/johan/Scripts" Change that to so the url is correct. And u need "curl" - http://curl.haxx.se And u also need "XSLT/ - "http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/ If u want more help u can ad me at MSN: 58designs@gmail.com
Best conky file ever seen.
Thx. :)