Ubuntu 10.04 Start script

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What to do after a fresh Ubuntu install? Just run this script!

The main purpose of this script is to speed up configuring Ubuntu 10.04 immediately after you've just installed it. This includes both installing popular applications and codecs as well as fixing some annoyances in Ubuntu 10.04.

You can search for each package in Synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center and manually install it. But then you'll also need to go to the Skype website and manually download and install it (Skype is no longer available in the Medibuntu repository), the same for Google Chrome, and so on. You can also use Ubuntu Tweak for some tweaks (but only a few of the tweaks in this script). But this script combines the most popular tweaks which are not available in a single application with installing common packages which almost everyone uses, so the time spent configuring Ubuntu 10.04 is decreased dramatically.

The script should also help new Ubuntu users since the script configures lots of things without any input from the user (such as automounting NTFS drives on startup and so on).

The script supports multiple languages: Czech, Spanish, French, German, Slovak, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese (PT), Malaysian, Galician, Korean, Turkish, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Estonian, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Asturian, Romanian, Arabic, Swedish, Slovenian, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Urdu, Danish, Latvian, Russian, Norwegian and Lithuanian.

The scripts needs Zenity, so make sure you install it before running the script:

A list of features and usage can be found @ http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/what-to-do-after-fresh-ubuntu-install.html
Last changelog:
Updated sharp fonts download location (since the old one no longer works)

#adding more languages

bug fixes; new features in 0.5

#adding more languages

#added Docky, Cairo Dock and AWN in a separate dialog
#made Google Earth installation autoaccept the license so the user doesn't have to interact with the terminal
#multiple language support; current languages: Czech, Spanish, French, German, Slovak, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese (PT), Malaysian, Galician, Korean, Turkish, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan and Estonian
#changed the way the current logged in user is detected; this should hopefully fix multiple accounts issues

#added extra themes (community themes and bisigi themes)
#added Google Earth

#added extra Compiz plugins to install
#added Getdeb mirror
#code optimizations

#Added reset options for the tweaks
#Changed the way day of the week from Sunday to Monday works - it now asks the user to enter his locale.

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However, you can create a new script that launches the main one with: gksudo -k script.sh in this way you would remove all the sudo inside the script and preserve the $HOME and $USER variables.


But ! WiseD is right- few are not working perfectly


if [ "i686" = `uname -m` ]; then sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install googleearth googleearth-data else sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install ia32-libs sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install googleearth googleearth-data sudo apt-get install -f -y fi Will become, better: sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install googleearth googleearth-data if [ "i686" != `uname -m` ]; then sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install ia32-libs sudo apt-get install -f -y fi However: echo "a" >> file echo "b" >> file is just useless: echo "a b" >> file


The script was originally written in a completely different way. There are some more ugly parts in it but I didn't modify it because I don't have any time right now, I just implemented new features going around the original code. For example the way the Ubuntu repos are added was totally different in the beginning that's why the script deletes them and then checks to see if they already exist (obviously they can't exist because I delete them) but I would have to re-write too much and like I said I don't have time. And it works like it is now. If I'll have time, I'll re-write it for Maverick (and add more features of course).


The method you're using is quite a mess, I've tried it before too, but it has a lot of problems, especially on updates/changes. The best way is using localizations: script) $this is a var file .pot) $this is a var = THIS IS A VAR The medium way is to use this trick: lang file: %IDENTIFICATION_WORD%translation script: .. title="$(grep "%IDENTIFICATION_WORD%" file.pot | cut -d'%' -f3)" ... zenity --checklist supports --separator=$'\n' option instead of using IFS=|


The method you're using is quite a mess, I've tried it before too, but it has a lot of problems, especially on updates/changes. The best way is using localizations: script) $this is a var file .pot) $this is a var = THIS IS A VAR The medium way is to use this trick: lang file: %IDENTIFICATION_WORD%translation script: .. title="$(grep "%IDENTIFICATION_WORD%" file.pot | cut -d'%' -f3)" ... zenity --checklist supports --separator=$'\n' option instead of using IFS=|


I only knew some very basic bash commands before starting this script and used pure logic and google to implement what I wanted. I improved some things on the way, as I learned them and they way I implemented the multiple languages was the only way I could think of at the time. I would use your suggestion(s) but I don't understand how it works


Example: en.pot: %maintitle%Lucid Script ... %kerneloption%Do you want to remove it? script: zenity --title="$(grep "$maintitle%" en.pot | cut -d'%' -f3)" --text="$(grep "$kerneloption%" en.pot | cut -d'%' -f3)" Let me explain: "$(grep "$maintitle%" en.pot | cut -d'%' -f3)" $() indicates that the variable is the result of an operation (such as you mean with ans=$(zenity...)" ) grep TEXT FILE returns all the occurences of TEXT in FILE cut -d'DELIMITER' -f'FIELD' cuts a particular string (or more) into pieces depending on the DELIMITER, so, take for example %maintitle%Lucid script: cut -d'%' cuts the string in: 1) '' 2) 'maintitle' 3) 'Lucid Script' -f'FIELD' selects the field you need so the result of the commands are only the translations, give it a try.


I'm reading your script, while doing this, I'm posting some "errors" I'm dealing with. For the language choice: var="$(zenity --list --hide-column=1 --column=HIDE --column=Language "en" "English" "it" "Italian" .... "wt" "Whatever")" .. YOURLANG="languages/$var.pot" You'll save a lot of stuffs, and, moreover, why would you search in a radiolist for MORE items???


vielen dank dafür;)


just on time:)) i've just installed lucid


Before posting stuff you can consider the idea of fixing them first. How does the second part works? Do those checks really mean something or not? Do they check if the program is already installed? More over, repos, programs and some of the features of the first part are already present in Ubuntu Tweak and in Ailurus isn't that enough?


No it doesn't check if an app is installed or not because if it's installed already it can't do any harm. But if you don't like the script, never mind, it's not for you, it's for everybody else :) as some people appreciate someone else's work (weird, ha?)


Maybe you can use my comment in a constructive way, as it was meant to be, and not just as a bad note. You MUST check your scripts before releasing them, in some case it can harm. However, if you just like to publish non-checked stuffs, you're welcome, if not, you can ask for directions (not necessary to me).


The tone wasn't exactly constructive. Here are reasons not to make a check for installed applications: 1. The script is called Ubuntu Start and it's meant to be ran when you first install Ubuntu so if you already installed those apps, you wouldn't need the script 2. There's no harm done if installing an application already installed 3. I had other stuff to do right now, I worked all night to release the new version in time for Ubuntu 10.04. So did the people who translated it (to 15 languages now I believe) - they all translated it in the last 24 hours which I find it to be simply amazing! I did use checks for some important stuff like automount ntfs drives. About Ailurus and Ubuntu Tweak: sure, you can use those and a couple more applications and Synaptic or a terminal to do all this. But that's a lot of applications and operations and TIME (which is why the script was designed - to reduce the time to do all these) which can be replaced by this script. Sure, you can use those later on, but this script would set up almost everything (based on common operations people do when they first install Ubuntu) And finally, actually 90% of the features in this script are based on suggestions received in comments on my blog, so I do listen to all suggestions.


At least you can include working project: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Bs-ubuntu?content=123966&PHPSESSID=defc90bef63e3bc33740a7cd33be92b6 http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Change+Window+Buttons?content=123360 However the calendar part is useless (and caused to some users some problems). New version of lucid are fixed for that "problem" (that is caused by a bad installation of the languages (if it is so))


Nice work, I did install sharp fonts, but I don't like them. How can I revert fonts to ubuntu original?


cd /etc/fonts/ sudo rm alias.conf local.conf misc.conf msfonts-rules.conf Then log out and log back in.


thank you


sounds great! i think i'll use this when 10.04 is officially done. good work!


Thanks! :D

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