Here is an Arch Linux Lilo Boot Screen i´ve created.Installation:1. copy the arch-boot.bmp to /boot2. edit /etc/lilo.conf and add these lines:bitmap = /boot/arch-boot.bmpbmp-table = 120p,173p,1,15,17bmp-colors = 80,,0;255,,0bmp-timer = 254p,432p,255,107,03. run lilo and reboot and enjoy :-)
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1 word: Grub?
I do everything what you say and after running lilo it says me "Fatal: bmp-table: value out of range [1,29]"
which lilo version do you use?
hm, i´m using 22.6-1. do a 'man lilo.conf' and look for bmp-table and see what values it is expecting. it should be like this: bmp-table=,,,,, maybe try to update your lilo version.
It looks a little grainy at 1024x768. Can that be improved?
your lilo boot screen is 1024x768? as far as i know the boot-image file has to be 640x480x256.
I'm going to use it. Nicely done!