Description: It's an Ambiance like Theme for Fluxbox, Icewm, Openbox, Lxde, Xfce, Gnome2/Mate & Gnome3 (Unity, Gnome-Shell, Gnome-Classic & Cinnamon). Gtk-3.16 and Cinnamon 2.8 compatible.
The objective is to have it working very well in all that environnements with a choice of 4 flavours.
NEW: set of grub2 themes. More infos :
INSTALLATION: * open a Terminal in the folder where the file Crunchy-themes.tar.gz is * and copy/paste this command line (Ubuntu like distros): [indent]sudo tar -zxvf Crunchy-themes.tar.gz -C /usr/share[/indent] (or if you are in Debian) su password tar -zxvf Crunchy-themes.tar.gz -C /usr/share
Customization of the window-list extension in Gnome-shell As we can't theme it, we have to change the original files. So we have to make copies of them before making the customization. In a terminal:
su password cd /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ cp classic.css classic_Origin.css cp stylesheet.css stylesheet_Origin.css
Setting the theme in Gnome * Unity: you have to install and use Unity-tweak * Gnome-Shell: Gnome-tweak (Advanced settings) must be used and the user theme plugin activated * Cinnamon: in the control center / themes
Openbox rounded Buttons If the display of the buttons is weird, just set the "active window title" font to the right size. Example : Ubuntu (regular) 11.
Gtk engines dependancy Murrine & Unico are needed by the theme. To be sure they are installed: [indent]sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk3-engines-unico[/indent]Last changelog:
GTK3 theme rewritten but only for Xfce
Here's the theme I use on my Xubuntu but a rapid test under Ubuntu showed me that it's not working well there.
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