SVG Deco - concept
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Fellow kde-look user p0z3r has gone through the trouble to implement my silly little drawing into a well-implemented window decoration.
Check it out here, and vote him up!
Original description below
So... I was playing around with Inkscape trying to create a simple little X button, and here I am, two hours later with a potential KDE window decoration.
Honestly, I don't know what is involved in making an honest-to-goodness window decoration, but if people like this enough, I might take the time to figure it out.
20050505: Implemented by p0z3r! Thanks dude, you've done a great job.
20050401_1353: Changed the content file to the (gzipped) Inkscape SVG file. It seems that p0z3r has graciously offered to implement this as a native window decoration, and I will do everything I can to help him. Please stay tuned for updates!
20050128_1615: Thanks to skullbooks, we now have a working IceWM theme based on these drawings. Please check it out at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=20128 and mod him up for his effort!
20050125_2150: Buttons! Added a bunch of buttons in the third screenshot. They are about 42x42 each in the full PNG and have a nice transparent background. CROP! RESIZE! REPEAT!
Ratings & Comments
WoOoOoO, this preview is fantastic! I'm waiting the decoration to download it!
I already posted at p0z3r's project page, but i thought it would be better to post it here again. Now that there is such a nice Windeco we need a Theme for it. So spasemunkie how would it be if you make us another 'silly little drawing'? ;)
Woah! It looks very good, a theme based on that will be fantastic.
Please create the theme for this. I like it very much and would like to use it
it seems to be missing a shade button.
I've posted a screenshot of the beginning of a kwin decoration using this concept. http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=20828 Although this first version is mostly modeled from the plastik feel, it can very easily become this concept with more work. Hopefully the first version will be out within the end of the month for people to try out.
Very smooth design: it remebers me of a skin i once found for windows, i dont rember the name but it also had this simple even retro feel to it. Good work, keep it up
Your deco would look really cool.
I would instantly switch to this theme if someone makes one for KDE. This theme looks the coolest of all themes I have seen so far. KDE's got nice text editor and file manager, but most of its themes hurts your eyes or are simply not good. If someone made a theme on this design, that would be a perfact one. Thanks a lot for comming up with such an intuitive design.
hi i had some time and made a IceWM Deco Theme with your concept: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=20128 hope you like it ;) maybe i'll make a Kwin Deco too, but i have to learn it first ;o
sry, i am a bit new in linux and i wonder how do i install this decoration? Where to put this png?
see above: ** Please note: this is NOT a working window decoration, just a sketch of a potential one ** although if you read a little more you will see that someone made an IceWM deco of this, you might want to check that out Chris
Have you used the Grover windec? It has an option ("plastic" iirc) to looks kinda something like this, except for the buttons. The buttons are nice.
Your buttons are very nice, really great work. Would you send the buttons to me and allow me to add them to both of my decorations as button themes? These are crystal and crystal-gl: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=13969 http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=18983 It should be no problem, if your buttons are about 14x14px and transparent pngs. :) Of course you get full credit. I am a programmer not a designer and I am searching for nice designed button images for my window decorations.
After looking at your windecs, I wasn't exactly sure what you wanted, so I just split out a couple variations of the buttons and added them in as a third screenshot (as a big transparent PNG). It should probably only require a little cropping and resizing on your part to get what you want. Enjoy!
"Honestly, I don't know what is involved in making an honest-to-goodness window decoration, but if people like this enough, I might take the time to figure it out." well 84% is good enough from any prespective so take your time and give it a GO ;-)
It seems you may know a thing or two about KDE win decorations... Would you mind pointing me in the right direction to get started?
well as a start u'll have to read the kwin tutorial posted on this site by david johnson http://www.usermode.org/docs/kwintheme.html.
It's a nice windec, maybe it's not really original but it's good. I don't understand why kde windecs are so few; GNOME windecs are more colorful and original IMHO
I really don't know why so many think that Gnome is so colorful or original. Take a look at these examples: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=19816&file1=19816-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=Amiga+BlueTabs-Blue http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=19894 http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=18631&file1=18631-1.jpg&file2=18631-2.png&file3=18631-3.jpg&name=Edge http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=19631&file1=19631-1.png&file2=19631-2.png&file3=19631-3.png&name=Mellow http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=19627&file1=19627-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=CDE-Solaris Where is the color in colorful, where is the original in originality. Gnome has its advantages, but it is for sure not a beautiful destop application. Eric
nonsense. I hope you realize you failed miserably in making any argument in any direction. I could easily go find 5 ugly windecs for any desktop environment, and it wouldn't prove a thing. The bottom line is, there are some very nice metacity themes, and I'd have to agree with netfranz, there are more original and colorful windecs posted more often for Gnome than for KDE. The OpenGL windecs recently popping up are extremely enticing, however. http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity/
you're goin' to implement this as a SVG windowdecoration? will kde 3.4 support this, or will it have to wait for 4.0??? its cool anyway :D
I really like the style, it's not the same thing like all the other window decorations. I guess it isn't too easy to create a kwin window decoration (well - I never tried it) but I created several (not good looking but working) IceWM window managers which should be easy for you, too. Sincerely, Felix