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Rounded buttons everywhere... here goes something kubical ;-)
Just kubes. Green for glue, yellow for minimize, orange for maximize and red for close...
This is an IceWM window decoration (unfortunatelly i don't know, how to create native window decoration) which goes in steps of the same named wallpaper.
Unpack to ~/.kde/share/apps/kwin/icewm-themes.
(Read the default.theme file for notes and theme variations...)


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Look guys, I'm sorry for this post following all those before about racism. But it's important to react to this kind of thing, because racism is like cancer, it spreads and destroys. To all people of all races who thing they are in any way better that others, please consider this: - Human DNA is about 95-98% identical betweet different skin-colors. (look it up, scientific fact). The only reason a black person is black, and a white person isn't is that the pigment that we both carry inside our skin is activated with them. The same happens slightly when a white person gets tanned. (So KKK-members, stay out of that sun.) - America is a mix of people migrating there from over the word, the only original Americans are the Indians. So the rest of America are immigrants, be it hundreds of years back. - The human species originated on the African continent, where it began to grow. In an early stage, homo sapiens and home neantherthalis existed simultanously. Our species than came to europe in the form of 100 to 500 people travelling from Africa to the European continent. These few 100 are the mutual ancestors of all people now populating Europe (genetically proven). This means that the millions living in Europe today are all relatives if you go back far enough, and as those ancestors where no more or less than the brothers and sisters of the people they left behind in Africa, they were the SAME! Much later, the human race (in the form of homo sapiens) startedc spreading accross the other continents, rapidly breading and aggressivly claiming new territory. The differences we see today between the different people on earth are caused by environmental circumstances causing us to adapt. An Eskimo wouldn't hold out a day in even a mild African dessert, while a black man would not be able to survive the cold of Siberia (without modern technology that is). So before anyone makes another racist remark, or tries to hurt someone else with that, do think that you're only insulting yourself by not thinking this through. Thank you for your attention, and I wish the best to all people here, regardless of their race, gender or religious beliefs. Have a nice weekend!


that has got to be the best post ive ever read :) i wish for once we could put our ignorances aside (racism is just ignorance pure and simple) and see each other for what are equals. NO greater no less but the same. brilliantly written post. as for the actual scheme its quite good but a bit uneven. good work anyway.


"...the only original Americans are the Indians. So the rest of America are immigrants, be it hundreds of years back." Of course, the 'Indians' are also immigrants - having crossed over from Asia some thousands of years ago. I think it important to remind people, especially those that harbor racist thoughts, that the history of our species (and of genus Homo in general) is the history of emigration and immigration. The racist should first examine himself for traces of African DNA (which he WILL find present) and re-think his views. This is a particularly good one to wind up white supremacists with e.g. the BNP in the UK (try it, no really!). And of course, racists are SCUM pure and simple. Good post by the way, and nicely written. Pip pip, Preater.


I downloaded and installed this thingy, after posting my little screed about the first poster(poser? ;') and his gob. Guess what? I LIKE IT! LOTS! It's wonderfully DIFFERENT! Mr. Artist: Keep it up. Follow that vision. You got chops! -skal

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System Tags


IceWM is a stacking window manager for the X Window System graphical infrastructure, written by Marko Maček. It was written from scratch in C++ and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Wikipedia