Description: The KDE Icon Set Build Kit consist of a wonderful script posted by Maitre with the SNOWE2-Rade8-Template Icon set. I've modified the script slightly and constructed a blank template for icon Porters and Developers to use to create KDE Icon sets. All that developers or porters have to do is add icons to the template's 128x128 and 32x32 directories and run the buildset (./buildset) script. The appropriate Icon set name must be added to the index.desktop and buildset files, but that's about all. Some disrtibutions use modified names (i.e. Mandrake) for the Kmenu and various other icons, but the script has instructions about how to create the specialized icons. Please examine the script. You dont have to know much about code to figure out how it works or modify it. There are plenty of comments to walk people through modifying the script when needed. Mandrake, Suse, Redhat, and BSD are already currently supported for most icons, but if anyone knows of other distributions that they would like the script to natively support please modify the script and submit it to,, or so that the updates get added to this page or Maitre's SNOWE2-Rade8-Template posting. You can also post a link to any modifed scripts in this posting for even faster updates. I would like to thank Maitre for such a great script. Icons sets are now a breaze to create, because the 128x128 icons are the only icons that an artist has to create using this script. I am not an artist, but I've been able to port two icon sets in a week (Exqusite and H30), whereas before I wouldn't have even thought of trying to do such a project.
Why not to bring out kmenu icons to a special folder or prefix them (e. g. kmenu-gentoo.png, kmenu-debian.png) and automatically create a list of available choices?
Also I would like to suggest disjoint config part of the script into the separate file.
There is an action menu script that auto-converts .ico files to a number of image formats. There is also the the script that converts mac icons to png files icnstopng or something like that, that can be used. A google search will provide you with all the tools you need. I use a combination of tools to perform the conversions, but the true power of the script is the fact that you only have to create or convert one copy of the icons and all the additional sizes will get generated for you.
cool idea. i might port a set or two. the problem is that windows icons are .ico and you either have to hack em or get the author to host the png;s. stil a great tool though.
Ratings & Comments
Why not to bring out kmenu icons to a special folder or prefix them (e. g. kmenu-gentoo.png, kmenu-debian.png) and automatically create a list of available choices? Also I would like to suggest disjoint config part of the script into the separate file.
There is an action menu script that auto-converts .ico files to a number of image formats. There is also the the script that converts mac icons to png files icnstopng or something like that, that can be used. A google search will provide you with all the tools you need. I use a combination of tools to perform the conversions, but the true power of the script is the fact that you only have to create or convert one copy of the icons and all the additional sizes will get generated for you.
thanks for the commendations! could you email me your changes so I can post them on the sf site? -maitre
cool idea. i might port a set or two. the problem is that windows icons are .ico and you either have to hack em or get the author to host the png;s. stil a great tool though.
this is really cool. maybe you could add such a feature to KDE's icon installer, so its 'build in'?