Please note, i have provided icons for use, HOWEVER
-- MOST OF THE OTHER ICONS ARE BY TOM! (flamy) a great thanks to him!!!
-- copied some of the icons from everaldo's icon theme. hope u dont mind

-- i have added a couple more, from various sources including editing of nunopinheiro's wonderful work.
Hope this gratifies kopete users

to install
extract the folder to
ps - feel free to rename the icon theme

Ratings & Comments
i am using kopete 0.7.1. i installed the way you described, by untaring it into /usr/share/apps/kopete/pics/emoticons/ after config and apply and even restarting kopete it displays only 17 out of the 75 icons. i checked the permissions and everything seems right. do you have a clue what seems to be the problem?
try redownloading the file The emoticons.xml which i uploaded was a little buggy so it would not correct it. If you want to do it yourself then open up the emoticons.xml file in konqueror and it will tell you where the error is.
it's the same problem at line 73 and 134. and that's after redownloading the file. you should upload it again ..
Either you're using a different emoticons.xml in that screenshot or Kopete recently moved to a stricter XML parser. The provided file does not validate as XML, and only gets partially loaded by Kopete. On line 74, remove the '/'. On line 135, change '&' to '&'.
fixed! sorry for that, it was quite silly.
I enjoyed helpin Seb with these and thankyou Seb for supporting me and pointing out what needed correcting in his, nunophineros (sorry if i spelt it wrong) and my icons! I only recently got involved with helpin people with projects they are already doing, and it is VERY satisfying seeing your work helping others. (i also like to see my name on the web, but thats not why i do it :p) Oh and does anyone know if I can get a recent (0.6 or 0.7) version of kopete for kde 3.0.3 (kde that comes with SuSE 8.1) thanks.......
I kan make the rest of the icons please send me a list off them with the name for eatch one. And you should talk to mike about this he most likle is already working on it. Sory for an jiberish english :)
done! new icons in the emoticoncollection.cpp and i have added a list in the tarball
Is support for Gaim (or any other IM programs) planned? Not everyone uses kmess ;-)