Dolphin Icons
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© 2025 - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Add more on 128x128, 256x256... modes please.
What does "CCW" stand for?
CCW stands for Counter ClockWise.
hi, Cleaning small icons per hand after resizeing to keep the quality is imho a must do. I set the background to transparent and cleaned the small 16x16, look at the difference:
Why did you feel the need to release it 'all rights reserved'? It would be much better if you could release it under a free license, preferably the GPL, which I believe the standard KDE icon sets use?
Actually, there is no license specified. But, don't mistake a copyright and a license. Most GPL software contains a copyright notice in the source code. That doesn't mean that you don't have a license to use it. In this case, this is a registered trademark of KDE so you can only use it with KDE. I don't see this as a problem.
Hope it makes it into official KDE.
Go view the in use screenshot at I originally thought this one was better, but after seeing it in use, I would like the other one.,com_smf/Itemid,48/expv,0/topic,441.0
I just wanted to say how neat this is, and it looks very good. I'd suggest trying to get this into 3.5, cause its not really a feature, just graphics :) Plus, I don't think the current one has svg's, but I'm assuming yours does. -Sam
I dont usually comment, but I wanted to agree here. This is a great icon. I'd been really annoyed for a while now at the animated icon that my icon theme has, so this is a great improvement and really ought to be included in kde 3.5 Thanks!
I agree, this one looks really good. It would be better if it was "crystalized", though ;-) There's only thing I'd like to suggest: it would look even better if the background wasn't black but transparent.
As I said, I will do the Crystal as well as soon as I find a way around the bug in InkScape 0.42. I don't think that SodiPodi has the problem so maybe next week.
A background other than Black might be better but since there is a frame around the Animated Icon, using transparent doesn't work like it does with other toolbar icons. All other Throbbers for Konqueror which I have looked at have a background color. Perhas using the same color blue would look better.
Well, maybe this is something depending on the used style? At the moment I'm using a throbber with transparent background, and I don't see a frame around it. It looks way better than the other throbbers with background color, more... "integrated" is what I would call it.
Yes, you are correct, this is widget style dependent. This was designed to work with all styles, but perhaps a throbber for specific styles might be a good idea.
I have checked and found I guessed right, whether there is a frame or not depends on the style used. Baghira for example does not have a frame around the throbber. I still think it would be a good idea to have the background transparent. A dark background doesn't look very good with light color schemes and vice versa.
Before someone asks why I didn't make Crystal style ones. I was going to but I found a bug in the way that InkScape 0.42 handles gradients that causes serious problems. :-(
So use Karbon14 instead. :-)