I have provided
To install:
extract the icons to
Note that you will have to change your file associations to display the correct icons

if you would like anymore icons email me and i will see what i can do
Ratings & Comments
Hi Seb, Are these icons licensed under the LGPL? Thanks, Luke
Nice icons, especially for me because I use MS office so much through Codeweavers Crossover.
fact is .. that I don't only use KDE-apps but also CrossOver Office. This is really nice. Any chance that you make some app-icons (Word, Excel, etc ..) as well? nice and needed, Fab
I think you have the right idea, but it needs more work (as if you couldn't determine that from the character-limited subject ;). Here are some ideas for improvement: * Not to be picky, but some of the icons are inconsistant where they were positioned. Mostly just a pixel or two off. * Kind of blurry. The edges on some of the inset M$ icons are blurry. The insides of them could probably use some sharpening as well. * Again, this is probably me being picky, but the icons used in windows have a document that looks like what the associated program would create. For example, the Excel icon has a spreadsheet. Hopefully these tips will help improve these icons.
And they blend beautufully into my favorite icon theme - Dave's Sky icons.
Why do people vote, but there are no comments? I guess there isnt much to comment on with some icons!
IS that you submit these directly to everaldo or
50% seems to be the default rating when you submit something :)
Very nice looking. Very clean and professional. Definetly deserves more than the 50% it has right now :)