Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
2004-12-07: changed some broken links, removed blue PNGs due to lack of hosting space
(changed links for PNG downloads to mirror until I sort out legal problems with the newtolinux domain)
(added crosslink to gnome-look entry)
Only a few new icons in this release. The main features are two colourschemes for download, and some changes in icons to bring the KDE set in line with the GNOME set.
Not a huge change. Just lots more application icons, and a few renamed icons to fix missing icon problems. 128x128 icons are now also distributed with the set.
The main focus in this release has been KOffice, OpenOffice, Mozilla, Quanta, Samba, KMix (inc. systray) and other app icons requested. There are also lots of other new icons, and the set is now available with PNGs. I also fixed the problems with some ksystray icons not showing (klipper, kopete, etc.)
Yet more icons Most significantly, K3B and Kontact should be complete. There are also quite a few new action icons, and some more icons for KControl.
Ratings & Comments
The best icon-theme I've ever seen! Just beautiful! Thanks a lot!
When I try to install the SVG theme, I get a response of "The file is not a valid icon theme archive".
hello friend, seems good to me your works, like interchanges ideas about software for graphis design I am some years old working in this, use Linux uses by several years MAC You now Linux jeje... handle to Inkscape .40 the Gimp 2,0 and Blender 2,35 my favourites observes some of my works. http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=4 I sorry my english is very bad... Linux Táchira Linux Táchira 0.1 Wallpaper 1280x1024 Felíz año 2005 - Linux Táchira Felíz año 2005 - Linux Táchira 0.1 Wallpaper 1280x1024 this is my web personal. http://www.angelfire.com/nm/rendergrtaf/datos.htm
Much as I like the screenshots, unfortunately I get 404 errors when trying to download the files.
For me non of the links are working.. Is there another one to download? Greetz and Thanx
This is a wonderful icon set. I hope that the parties that be make more, because I want more =)
... but I wish the svg link worked =)
The SVG link still seems to be broken.. (can't resolve an IP for that address)
Could you make a green version please? I've tried to download the SVG files but I can't, the server is down. Anyway... very good job, I like this icons a lot!
Looks like the top two download links are broken, at least they are right now. Can anyone provide a mirror or preferably can we get the link fixed? Keep up the good work!
I have a concern related to one of the graphics though. While I think the fox is cute and wouldn't mind using it for Mozilla Firefox, I think it's a copyrighted image. Take a look at this link: http://www.funkidsgames.com/games/spyfox_dry_cereal_pcmc_action/ It looks just like Spy Fox from Humongous Entertainment. I might be wrong, but look at both - damn they're close.
That is close... eerily close. To be honest, I used a fox in a little comic book I have at home as inspiration, and drew something that looked similar, which leads me to think that this representation of a fox must be fairly common. It certainly shouldn't represent a copyright issue. But I can change it a little if it makes people nervous.
It doesn't bother me, but it instantly reminded me of Spy Fox. As far as copyrights go I'm just a nobody. OTOH - insert your favorite lawyer joke here regarding the folks from Humongous Entertainment. ;)
Liked your icons & the font you are using on the previews. Which font is it?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that font is "aquafont".
Hello, First, congratulations for the icons. They look simply amazing. My question is, am I free to use them in an application I'm developing?
I found the lila color theme, but not a blue one (for the blue-png icons). Anybody have a matching one?
Is it possible to install the svg icon theme in kde 3.2? I couldn't do it...
Hi! How do i unpack the file i've just downloaded? Because it's a .bz2 file, my computer doesn't recognize it Thanks!
You'll just have to find a piece of software the can user Bzipped files. Every GNU/Linux distribution installs that as standard. On other platforms, I'm afraid I don't know.
tar xjf filename.tar.bz2 (unpacks to current directory)
Can you tell me where you get the font on the screenshots? Thanks,
It's in the description up the page. Just google for the names.
I did it, if I ask is becouse I didn't found that font called "aquap", apear to be like a japanese font but I does not found any font file. I search to in several sites where you can found a lot of fonts, but I have no luck. Please!
I got it. Thanks, seems is only a gentoo package and I'm not using gentoo. I needed to check the ebiuld file and see where they get the file. The True Type font is in: http://aquablue.milkcafe.to/fnt/aquap2_5.lzh Only unzip the package.