Gajim Ubuntu Iconset
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
© 2025 - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
This is exactly what I've been searching for, ty for making these great icons! :D
Not ugly but not interesting either. To each their own. By the way, what happened in Memphis in 2002?
Seems to be missing the index file
I love these icons man, keep it up.
These icons are really well done. Even though I'm personally unlikely to use them, you should keep doing them, because A LOT of people will like these. They're something very different to every other icon set, they're clear, and they look good.
Hi! These icons look very original, I downloaded them and really like to try them out, but I can't seem to find a index.desktop file in there...? Is there any other way to install them than using such a file?
1) 77% is a GOOD rating! That means more people rate it good than bad! Plus, look at how many other nice things are rated 77%! 2) Don't worry about ratings. There are people here who for some reason like to rate things bad, and on top of it, if you like what you're doing then that's all that matters! 3) You're doing great work! Some people will like it, some won't - that's life. Just keep at it for the ones that do :)
You should just ignore my comment, but I'd like to state I just find them ugly. Looks like clipart. Don't bash me, it's just my opinion.
..first of,i personaly don't like this set, but this is 'couse i prefer cartoonish style. your work _IS_ good. keep working on it.
Please don't stop making these icons. They're very very good. Its nice to see some 'non-blue' icons.
The most beautiful icon set I've ever seen !!! I hope you'll make a lot more of them...
These icons remind me of the icons from tigert who has made those beautiful iconsets for gnome. This is really top stuff. Keep up the good work. Ooh and please dont stop i am really looking forward to a complete iconset from you.
Don't give up because of ratings, many people on here seem to think it's funny to vote something bad, so just ignore their stupidity! Keep on working if you really feel it's something you see being worth investing your time into! :)
Thanks for all of the positive comments, but i'm afraid i'm going to have to stop working on this. The majority of people seem to dislike this set, and they give it a bad grade (77% now) :(
it's 78% now. If you wanna stop working on them cause you are tired of it... OK. if you stop cause people "do not seem to like it" then kde would have never gotten that far!
You're making a mistake! 77% means that people like it. In the beginning it was 50%, remember? And btw, it's now 83%!
but please take care of right perspective view and i must say these 16x16 icons are unreadable...
Keep up the excellent work! These look very professional, so they're sitting on my desktop from now on :)
I really like you icons a lot, only thing I would say is that the small icons don't look good though.
About time someone starts working on a non-cartoonish/non-crystal like icon set. Frankly am lookning for a more realistic or less kiddie type icon set. I like Noia icons and Cystal set but after a while I need something more adult or hardcore.
Wait, did you just say you want some adult hardcore icons? :)
Thanks for the support you guys! That last icon i made (Printer) was damn hard. hehe I guess that's it for tonight, but i will update it tomorrow.
I think it's very original. If the other icons look like this one I will buy it. I think, it's the firsts icons without bluish on it I saw on KDE !!!! Remembre the "Yellow Submarine" Bluish was the bad one's ! -Denis