Mandriva Oxygen KMenu
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Simple KMenu icon for Mandriva.
16x16, 22x22, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128, svg
Howto install: You should select all folders inside the 'icons' folder and copy over your current theme in /usr/share/icons/YourThemeName, then open the System settings --> Appereance --> Icons tab, switch to some other icon theme, hit Apply and switch back and you should see the new icon immediately, if you don't, then reboot and it should work... Last changelog:
16x16, 22x22, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128, svg
Howto install: You should select all folders inside the 'icons' folder and copy over your current theme in /usr/share/icons/YourThemeName, then open the System settings --> Appereance --> Icons tab, switch to some other icon theme, hit Apply and switch back and you should see the new icon immediately, if you don't, then reboot and it should work...
* 0.3 - updated with correct svg file
* 0.2 - renamed to not be confused with other Mandriva Kmenu made by GimpTurkiye
* 0.1 - initial
Ratings & Comments
First of all, thanks for your work, i like it so much. If downloaded the package and I find that de scalable icon isn't correct.
Should be fixed, thanks for the message ;)
Logout not need too. Whene kopy file to /var/lib/mandriva/kde4-profiles/common/share/apps/mandriva/pics/mdvbotton.svg switch menu style be enougth.
Oh, and on Mandriva 2009 Spring (cooker currently) it is enough that you just copy them over originals and then move mouse cursor over Kickoff menubutton and it gets changed.
It depends, on some distros it works immediately after overwriting, in some others (like my Fedora) you need to switch to some other theme and then switch back to take effect (even reboot with overwritten icons didn't change them) and just for covering all possible situations when it won't work immediately, I added the reboot :)
Reboot is not needed, just relogin if not the icontheme change work.