Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
OS X has forever changed the way operating systems will be viewed. Artistically, OS X has raised the bar for OS design so high that the artistic appeal of a desktop manager is now a critical component of any commercial desktop. OS-L aims to match and exceed what can be found in OS X. In theory, there are enough icons in this set to almost recreate the entire look and feel of OS X (I couldn't make it that easy). However, many of the icons used to give OS X its' unique look and feel have been purposely replaced with alternatives from some of the best open source icon designers in the world (Reason - They're just better, but that's subjective of course). This icon set is a natural extention to Baghira (Thanks Thomas, what you've done with Mosfets code is unbelievable), but, understand that this icon set unbuilt has nearly 12 MB of icons, which means that in no way should you limit yourself to trying to recreate the look and feel of OS X. Customizing this build kit is a necessity, because you litterally have a choice between at least 3 icons for every application, device, folder, and mime type in the set. I thought of never releasing this compilation but I've downloaded the IcOsX-0.7.tar.gz numerous times and I felt that It was time that it evolved. Thanks Maitre for the original build kit script, without it I would have never constructed the Kde Icon Build Kit Template which makes releasing icon sets so simple. I hope everyone loves this build kit, because it is the ultimate compilation of the efforts of icon artist around the globe. Thanks everyone here at Kde-look, Xicons.com, Iconfactory.com, Aqua-soft.org, Aero-soft.org, Gnome-look.org, Wincustomize.org and everyone that I wish I could list individually. This is only 4/5 of the entire icon set, so look for version 1.5 comming soon.
Forgot to add the following:
To build the icon set run the included buildscript (./buildscript) Some icons may need to be renamed to have them show up natively in your distribution. All comments are welcomed, both good and bad. Last changelog:
Forgot to add the following:
To build the icon set run the included buildscript (./buildscript) Some icons may need to be renamed to have them show up natively in your distribution. All comments are welcomed, both good and bad.
Version 1.0:
Added about 2MB worth of additional icons in the apps, and devices folders. This will be the offical 1.0 release, but I still would like to add another 2MB worth of icons to the build kit.
Ratings & Comments
this is link for OS-L iconset http://www.badongo.com/file/9096876 if i'll get complains about copyrights i'will delete this file . ps Guppetto done piece of very good job.
When I try to download the fonts from the link below http://www.badongo.com/file/9096876 It says: *********************************************************** Non-Members are allowed to download a maximum of 100 MB (6:00-10:00 CST GMT-6), 800MB (10:00-20:00 CST GMT-6), 600MB (20:00-6:00 CST GMT-6) every hour and Free Members are allowed to download a maximum of 125 MB (6:00-10:00 CST GMT-6), 1000 MB (10:00-20:00 CST GMT-6), 800 MB (20:00-6:00 CST GMT-6) every hour YOU ARE CURRENTLY CONNECTED TO OUR SYSTEM WITH THE FOLLOWING IP ADDRESS: THIS ADDRESS HAS DOWNLOADED A TOTAL OF 790MB IN THE LAST HOUR ALREADY. *********************************************************** Seems like the website have some problem. Any change if this can uploaded somewhere else ?? Regards, Jeet
Hi! It worked for me after choosing a specific server (Cogent) rather than "best connection". Maybe that helps?
I have 404...
I'm getting a 404 not found trying to download. Does anyone else have it to upload to another server?
Can I re-upload this os-L iconset to rapidshare ?
Mac style is better , but vista is like mac os... Microsoft have no idea for create a originally style for a new os... Sorry for my english i'm italian
Everybody's crazy about the Vista style now... But I can't really get it, the OSX icons looks SO MUCH better. And again, that subjective, of course, but just look at the folders!! There's no comparison to be made!! I think most people (even here on kde-look) haven't gotten over the Win-thing yet, right? I know I have: I don't hate it anymore (LOL!) Ok, the theme is, to my understanding, the very best complete theme out there. And I'm not a Mac fan, I've never used it actually, but, JUST LOOK AT THOSE ICONS! You are a genius. Prometeus is who you are... Awesome job!
Hi, my build set was sucessfull when i am trying to install it in gnome it is unable to install it. Could you please let me know how I can install it on Gnome desktop or link to similar icons pelase ? Devendra Dave
euhm.. the subject says it all
hey! i am running slackware 11 and i am unable to install the icons. i did the ./buildset thing and everything but where do i copy the folders after i am done. thanks hope i can get some help.
When I run your buildscript in the console, it says to pick my Kmenu icon...which I do from the list..and then it comes back and says that kmenu_apple was not found in .128x128/apps/ directory and goes back to the main prompt and doesn't finish the script. Am I doing something wrong??
Hia, You need to run the script from within the icon buildset directory Simon
Running Ubuntu 6.06. When attempting to run buildset I get: Checking for bzip2... found /usr/bin/bzip2 Checking for tar... found /bin/tar Checking for convert... no.
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
Hi these icons look really nice.But I am a gnome user.IT would be really nice of you if you could some of your valuable time "porting" this theme to gnome as well.Thanks any way for the theme
How about adding a kanotix kmenu icon? Look at my avatar - thanks for the fish ;)
I downloded the tar,bz2 and without reading I installed the iconset. I am running on SuSE 10 KDE 3.5. There was on change in the icon. So I looked through the posting here and realized that I need to run the script. I ran the script and later i installed the tar.bz2 ball that was created in the folder. But still the icondet has not changed and pretty much the icons have defaulted to Clear SVG 1.0. I really liked the iconset can someone help me with this one. Thanks
nice job!!! a few suggestions: -add logout and switch user icons -add kmenu icons for multimedia, etc. overall, 10/10
First of all , great icons :-) Second any idea which files i need to rename to make them work with slackware 10.2? Regards
don't know what you mean, it works perfectly on my Slack 10.2 and kde 3.4.3 maybe you didnt build it and tried install it directly BTW, very nice icons, now they are my default
The device icons you are using are those of Rad-E8. Did he give you permission to use them and distribute them under the GPL? His icons are not GPL'd.
Initially, I had problems running buildset because it uses the convert program which is not, AFAIK, available in the FreeBSD ports. For those of you who ran into the same problem, you may download this program from http://www.imagemagick.org :) [ simon.cpu ]
Hi, I installed the OS-L icon theme using KDE Control Center, and it's showing in the list as installed. But when I choose it and click APPLY, the icons don't change and just seems to be using the "Crystan SVG beta1" icons instead. Can you please help me? Thank you. Kelly
I guess you just forgot this: "To build the icon set run the included buildscript (./buildscript)." My advice is to check out the README file.