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Hi people, i writing this stuff because I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK to finish the iconset, it's very difficult to me to look at the current work because the little time i've to do it, but, with your help it is going to be a lot easier to do

so every comment will be very, very welcomed.

you can feedback to me at pablo(dot)fabregat(at)gmail(dot)com too

thanks to all you for the support!!


kNeu is a port from the DLG Neu Icon Theme, made by a friend of mine, Ertz, you can find his Gnome icon set here:

Alpha 0.2 is available, i created a lot of new icons from the original gnome release... hope you like it...

Tell me what you think of it!! Cheers
Last changelog:

Desperate call to users

Alpha 0.2:
Second release, some minor errors fixed, some icons added, like kgpg iconset and a new konqueror icon

Alpha 0.1:
First Release, with 302 icons.

Ratings & Comments



These are very nice icons but can you fix the download link?



These are very nice icons but can you fix the download link?
You might check with your distro. They are in both Debian and Ubuntu's archive. The package name is kde-icons-kneu Quote:
vote ron paul. seriously.
absolutly not, seriously.


Hey, I've tried many icon sets. And I mean, used many for some time, and this one is really really very pleasing and at the same time intuitive, and fits very well with the overall KDE aesthetics! Two thumbs up, guys!


Very nice icons :) but I don't understand information about licence. On this page is LGPL but when I want to download it i see GPL. What is true ? :)


Great port, I've was always a fan of this set in Gnome. My only criticism is that the Kde and Konqueror icons don't seem to blend well with the rest of the theme, and it could use an icon for Kontact. Great Job!!


I would like to ask your permission to use some of these icons in an extension for Firefox that I build. I've already sent you mail but you didn't reply, I assume it's not valid any more. Thanks in advance Fugi


Well, I'm the copyright holder and I say you may use them ;). Have fun with it.


Really nice ICON set. I use it for a long time now, and really love it.


consistent look with well finished selection of icons, will definately download when you decide its reasonably complete and release a non-alpha version


Very nice icons - soft without being too cartoonish and lovely colourfull too! Thanks alot to you and your friend for this nice set of icons :-)


thanks,thanks, The best beautiful icons


You get it! I think this is a really cool iconset although there are some points I would like to be altered: -I'm somehow disorientated by all those different perspectives you are using for your icons -The "speaker" icon (mulimedia.png) doesn't really look like a speaker ;) Maybe you could redo this one. -Could you make them a bit more shiny? -Is it possible to make an icon with the amarok "wolve" logo? That is all what I have to critizise. The rest is really awesome. Keep up the good work!


these will my new favorite 'toon' icons. Nice work on all of them. Gimp and Mahjonng would be interesting in your tastey style.


can you make a thunderbird icon that looks like the original icon. like the way firefox is and can you make a new konqueror icon, openoffice, frostwire, and office


I like 'em, overall. But if you want feedback, the desktop icon looks more table. But I like where you're going with the mime types.


I think your icons are very nice. Go on with that work! It would be nice to have some additional folder icons like a linux-icon (with a pinguin), a kde-icon (with a K) and a documents-icon (with a pencil). I think it's nicer to have a home-folder that looks like all the other folders (with a 3d-house). I'm waiting for the next release... ;-) Bye, Chrischaan


One question for you. what is the program on the side of the 3rd screen shot. that is showing you the status of all your different things? Great work though


thanks !! :) those are AeroG for SuperKaramba, you can find it here


she, tus iconos son de lujo, los instalo en cada distribucion linux que instalo son sencillamante perfectos, te agradezco por hacerlos realidad ! espero con ancias una nueva version


any chance to get a version with a more technical (blue) folder color?


What do you mean with "technical"?


the color "blue" :)


Good icons! Great work! Bye wuf


Muy bueno che! Esta en estado Alpha??????


Si, por ahora si, esta release tiene solo la mitad de los iconos que deberia tener ;) --- in english(just in case): Yes, it's alpha right now, it has only the half of icons that it should be

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version alpha preview 0.2
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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