I'm thinking of making an entire iconset in this style
My site is back up with a new domain and a faster host

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
07/07/07 Fixed the icons, now they look good with a black background too
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Hmm very noble ;) I'm currently working on a new Icon Set too. But I can't find the SVG (ediable) Version of the OpenOffice.org logo (the to flying birds). Do you know where I can get It?
I had to make the birds myself, but google found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:OpenOffice.org_Logo.svg and you can edit that in inkscape, although you cannot edit the text as text, apart from that its ok
Thanks I'm making a microsoft office icon theme to match these, the .doc files don't look right in the folder with the rest of my work(mostly oo)
Awesome work, I look forward to seeing more icons.
Very very nice icons...Thanks!!