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this is a screenshot of a Windows XP theme, you can find more themes like that at the Window Blinds page What i wanted to say is that some of these themes look pretty good Why not make some KDE themes that look like that

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Sjeesj... What is it with you two? This looks like it's turning into a personal vendetta.Linux is wonderful! Yes. At the moment I'm not using it. And Ludootje, you keep talking about Win2K... that is not WinXP. There is like a HUGE difference there. WinXP is far better than any Win so far... except for maybe Win 3.11 because that had hardly any bugs. And Linux's KDE 3.x is the best windowmaker for Linux EVER!!! And you have the most wonderful skins for BOTH XP and KDE. Not the same, but still all nice... So this little fight is quite useless. Just grow up people. Sure, you're allowed to have your own opinions, but you don't have to go all crazy over them, like this. I like both Linux KDE and WinXP. But that's my opinion... just cut it out. -Raven


that few WIndows USers ever even heard of windowsblinds or wincustomize .com so as long as they've never heard of it linux is much prettier. :) ALSO if you think High Performance Liquid 0.9.5 is ugly I can't understand what you think is beautiful. Also on today's 2.6 GHZ computers with 2 GHZ of RAM memory usage won't be noticed. (I live in the bay area)


Most users don't have TONS of RAM, certainly not 2ghz. Everyone has it's own tastes, can you understand that?


2 GBs bro. --maitre


Linux a lot, so do I. But, you cannot lie to youurself like this. Windowblinds is a well designed programs with thousands of great themes. In Linux we also have some fantastic themes like High Performance Liquid. I thought this one was advantage that Windows did not have, this immense ability to customize the appearence and great themes. Unfortunantenly I was proven wrong. There are some good themes for XP too: http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=1&SkinID=1516 http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=3&SkinID=1789 http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=22&SkinID=79 These skins probably do take up quite some memory , I'm not sure if they will make windows crash more often. Anyway I've found XP t be as stable as KDE so it's not really a problem. I think that most XP WindowBinds themes don't look cartoonish at all, quite the opposite. The screenshot you posted I think its quite ugly, way too blue and it just doesen't appeal to me. I like thsi screenshot: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=1222 much better. The WinCustomize website is only missing a rating system in everything else it is as good if not beter than KDE-Look.org. If you hae never heard of Photoshop 7 than I don't know in what world you live in. XP may have minor hardware incompatibilities but Linux has 10x more. There is nothing wrong with linux, I love Linu, but saying that all XP themes are ugly and that WindowBinds is crap is very generalized and seems to come from somebody very close-minded. I wish that something similar to windowbinds that would let us use the XP themes created and install themes easier would come out for Linux. I also hope that Mosfet does not stop improving Liquid, at least he should get to a 1.0 release.


"you cannot lie to youurself like this. Windowblinds is a well designed programs with thousands of great themes." Windowblinds is crap, the themes maybe aren't. It uses LOADS of memory, and made my win2k crash quite a lot (read: over 5 times a day). Of the 3 URLs you posted I like 1 theme, personally :-) "Anyway I've found XP t be as stable as KDE so it's not really a problem." Haven't used XP yet - it might be as stable as KDE. However, windowblinds isn't stable, and it will make XP less stable than KDE. And even if that wasn't a problem, the memory usage is a problem: KDE uses themes by default, so it wont use more memory because of a theme, while windows with windowblinds will. As for the KDE url you posted: that imitates windows XP, and therefore it IS cartoonish, as I said. I personally find those screenshots to be incredibly ugly. "The WinCustomize website is only missing a rating system in everything else it is as good if not beter than KDE-Look.org." The rating system on kdelook can be incredibly abused of, you just hit rate good or bad, than reload the page - looking for good themes based on ratings isn't as affective as searching on downloads. "If you hae never heard of Photoshop 7 than I don't know in what world you live in." I know photoshop, didn't knew what you meant with the abreviation "PS", for me that still is "Post Scriptum"... duh! Some artists prefer gimp to photoshop, that depends on what you're used too. It's the same as putting a computer newbie in front of KDE and putting a windows die-hard in front of KDE, the newbie will adapt much faster. Besides, there's a small price-difference, remember? "XP may have minor hardware incompatibilities but Linux has 10x more." I personally NEVER had a hardware compatibility problem with linux, did had a problem with my sound in win2k. Linux is supporting more and more hardware nowadays. "but saying that all XP themes are ugly and that WindowBinds is crap is very generalized and seems to come from somebody very close-minded." This is the part of your post I like the most, because you're apparently out of arguments here. Only people who don't have arguments change the other person's words, like you did here. Can you read? "windowblinds is crap and most themes are ugly." There's a huge difference between "all" & "most". You're changing my words here, that's quite dumb. Windowblinds is crap yes, I explain above why: memory & crashes. The program is crap, there are nice windowblinds themes however. As for the themes, sorry for not being clear here, I referred to XP themes in fact.


FUCKING SHIT!!! Almost all these themes here: http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?wp=1&sort=updatedate&searchtext=&order=&library=1 look at least as good as the ones we have here and most look a lot better. They have everything we do here and more. A lot more themes to chose from. They also have icons http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?wp=1&sort=updatedate&searchtext=&order=&library=1 and all kinds of things. NOOO PLEASE PORT HTESE! LINUX NOW LOST ONE OF THE COOLEST THINGS ABOUT IT! NOW XP LOOKS BETTER NOOO! That website i also as good as this one and window binds is good too. DAMN IT! Now I lsot my bragging rights that Linux looks better than XP. How can I convince my friends now. XP has some better programs like PS 7 it's also pretty stable and hardware always works with it because MS is a fucking monopoly. PLEASE TELL ME SOMETHING GREAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO LINUX! LIKE WINDOWBINDS BEING PORTED SO I CAN USE THE THEMES j/k!!! ARGGG! sorry i am extremely pissed off


windowblinds = crap. yes, it looks nice, it also makes windows crash even more, and uses TONS of memory. "NOW XP LOOKS BETTER NOOO!" that's not true, i don't find most xp themes to be pretty (personally). it's so cartoonish/childish. kde looks MUCH better, this is a screenshot of KDE3 0, can you honestly say that ANY of those windowblinds themes look better? http://www.jamsession.co.uk/screenshots/snapshot1.png "That website i also as good as this one and window binds is good too." Nah, kde-look is nicer, and window blinds is crap. "XP has some better programs like PS 7" PS7? Never heard of it, anyway there are quite some wonderful linux apps which don't exist in windows. "hardware always works with it because MS is a fucking monopoly" I 've heard of quite some compability problems, with video cards etc for which there aren't any drivers in XP, unless you d/l them from m$.com "PLEASE TELL ME SOMETHING GREAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO LINUX!" I really don't understand you, there's nothing wrong with linux - windowblinds is crap and most themes are ugly.


i use both linux and winxp on my computer, its somewhat of a mood thing........but i use windowblinds 3.3 sometimes, and depending on what theme im using, it only uses 2-4 mb memory, doesnt make any noticable speed change (im on a 800mhz pIII laptop) and ive never had it crash. anyways if it makes a particular program crash, you can tell it to exclude it


I thought it was for KDE!!! :((((


This theme is great.


i know that this theme looks a little bit too fancy but still ... it looks pretty good :-D and i'm sure that there are at least a few KDE users who would like to have the opportunity to download such a theme, that is why i am you guys out there (thos who know how to make themes, cause i don't) help the k-l.org community and try to make a KDE theme that looks like that


Once again - I've used winbloze blinds - yeah its a nice program for what it does and to what operating system it does it to, unfortunately KDE is much too powerful for the likes of Windows/Binds users...


an xp theme on k-l.org!! One wonders whether it is legal at all! It is (of course), and it's also a good thing (tm), for the following reasons: 1. we need to know what the competition is up to. There are very talented people designing themes for windows, and we want to copy (yes, copy, let's call things with their name) the best things they do. And i, for one, having stopped using windoze in 95, would have never found such a theme. 2. It is not only perfectly OK to copy the interfaces of other OSes, we HAVE to do it! If someone wants an XP, OSX, Nextstep, Amiga etc. etc. look on their KDE, they have the right to have it and we must offer them. Open source is about choice, no? As for this particularly theme, I like it a lot! I think it makes an excellent light gray, bright. theme! Here on k-l.org, there is screenshot ("doug's desktop", I think) that is based on the same idea, and is actually better, IMHO. The author promised to do a theme out of it, but it never cameout, sadly .. (hint)


If KDE looked like that, we'd be in a lot of trouble. KDE is a desktop environment that tries to target the lowest common denominator of users. However, it has tools available to power users that allow them to make it look like whatever they want (including like your example from WindowsXP). Regular users do not want a "31337 desktop", they want something clean and simple that they can understand. While that's a very pretty theme, it's still an artist's pipedream and will no doubt scare most users who are used to a vanilla interface. This is why M$ and Apple have always had relatively bland interfaces, and even took a step back to make them even more "childish". Aside from the not good for general users... if my machine had that kind of a poorly designed and over engineered interface, I'd be upset. :)


Unfortunately if you're a weenie, Windows is your only option... give me your IP and I'll show you the power of Linux. -maitre

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