I have configured KDE to look like a more traditional window manager. Its is a great combanation of ease of use, relaxing enviorment and no distracting eye candy.
For this look I used
* CDE window decoration
* MacOS style menus
* Hidden all the konqeror toolbars (You don't need them, learn the key bindings, its much faster!)
* Light style 3
* Modifed BeOS color scheme (change the yellow to teal)
* Ikons
* xvt for terminal emulator

Ratings & Comments
If you like that look, that's great. But you've got to understand that for Linux to make a dent in the desktop it's got to look BETTER than Windows and Mac, not worse.The simple feel to what you have is very nice - but it's not the right one for most people. So, please understand that and rather than bash Keramik, Liquid, Crystalk and the like, recognize them as a step towards Linux on the average users desktop and embrace them as such - even if you don't like them personally.
This desktop is charming in its own way. It should be rated better for that. Maybe an other icon set, window manager theme an konqueror background would make this style, combined with the remaining changes in the screenshot, a lot more beautiful. I think the author should try to experiment with this, I think it should be possible to make this theme very great.
kde3's look is so beatyful ( with keramik or mosfet theme and the mixed icons as an example) but your kde looks like windows 3.11 or kde1 -> thats not the way for graphical revolutions - and this, my friend, is kde3 ! But its your way - If it makes you happy. with greats martin...
kde3's look is so beatyful ( with keramik or mosfet theme and the mixed icons as an example) but your kde looks like windows 3.11 or kde1 -> thats not the way for graphical revolutions - and this, my friend, is kde3 ! Butt its your way - If it makes you happy. with greats martin...
You can also hide the kicker by setting the autohide setting to 0 seconds. I don't use the kicker anymore, alt+F2 is faster :)
You've managed to degrade the look of the desktop by about 3 years with that... Why not just go back to kde1 if you really want to live in the past... lol