SlicKer in action
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Slicker is to be a drop-in alternative to the current Kicker in KDE, you can find more information on the SlicKer project page http://slicker.sf.net.
New shot as prommised (better late than never huh) This one shows all current CVS applets and shows cards in the stacked, opened, and closed positions. The project is mmoving very well and maturing quickly. I forsee it becoming my choice for a full kicker replacement in the near future. If you are interested I would say head to the homepage and sign up with the main mailing-list these guys are really putting out some great stuff.
Ratings & Comments
where are they from ? any link ? thanx
The wallpaper from the latest screenshot (the blue one) I found on this site, it is called "blue-thing" I looked for it but couldnt find it (I guess i didnt look very good, but if you cant find it here just let me know and I would be happy to send it to you. The second wallpaper (the black one) is called "Sleek-and-Sporty" and was originally done by a gentleman by the name of DragonKahn and by request I have posted it on this site before the link is http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4451 Enjoy-- --ZennouRyuu
Very nice. In your opinion, is CVS stable enough to use? I'm to impatient to wait! lol
If you want my opinion, stability isn't the issue, it's more about functionality right now. Granted the code is still considered pre-alpha and isnt by any means ready for mass deployment, but its stable enough, you just probobly wont get that much use out of it (more than playing with it) But dont fret, as new things are added all the time and more plugins and features are always coming down. So in close I encourage anyone who is interested to check out the CVS and build it, if nothing else you can help track down bugs and provide feedback to the group, you just shouldn't expect to go ahead and remove kicker from your desktop ^_^ Later-- --ZennouRyuu
curious and I can't wait to have the first release of it. But I can not really 100% imagine, how it will look, after having looked at your screenshot. I am longing for further details... ;-) Nice colorscheme by the way :-) Greetings, Mona
Look at the concept drawings that can be found on the slicker site, the team is really striving for the look that is presented by the mock-ups, as requested, I will add a few shots to this post showing closed and stacked cards this afternoon, but now I must run to school. Later-- --ZennouRyuu
I voted this down after looking at the screenshot linked to the thumbnail because it was way too small to see any detail. Then I thought that you might have linked a larger image to "Download," and sure enough, there it was. Sorry. Two suggestions for future screenshots: one, link the thumbnail to the full-sized shot. :) Two, show closed cards and stacked cards. That gives a better impression of what it's about. Anyways, I've been casually following the development of Slicker (and its base code, CardDesk) for the past few months and I must admit, I'm getting rather excited to see how far this goes.