* Background from Deviantart (americanpsycho collection) * SuperKaramaba (obviously...) with AeroG applets (modified backgrounds) and LiquidWeather. * Exquisite Icon Set * Styleclock * Taskbar v2 (transparent window lists) * My own homebrew superkaramba applet (top right) to display last 5 /var/log/messages and all incoming connections via netstat. * gotten rid of ugly suse kmenu.png icon * Transparent taskbar * Default colours and Plastik theme (it really is pretty good / most compatible)
Oddly enough, that simple homebrew superkaramba app actually looks pretty darn useful.
Could you post it in the Karamba section? I know I would download it...
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Oddly enough, that simple homebrew superkaramba app actually looks pretty darn useful. Could you post it in the Karamba section? I know I would download it...