My current X desk
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
System: Mandrake 9.2
KDE version: 3.2.1
Icons: Aqua + Rade-8
Windeco and style: Baghira
Docker: KXDocker 0.17
Karamba: Superkaramba 0.33 running sysmon theme Cynapses
I know it's an OS like look and feel inspired again, but i can't help myself I ended up again with that -- the OS looks damn cool. :-p
Special thanks for KXDocker. Last changelog:
KDE version: 3.2.1
Icons: Aqua + Rade-8
Windeco and style: Baghira
Docker: KXDocker 0.17
Karamba: Superkaramba 0.33 running sysmon theme Cynapses
I know it's an OS like look and feel inspired again, but i can't help myself I ended up again with that -- the OS looks damn cool. :-p
Special thanks for KXDocker.
- Updated to Qt 3.3.2 and KDE 3.2.1 with KWin drop shadow patch
- Better simulation of Mac OS X top menubar
- Keeping third shot for comparsion
Ratings & Comments
it's very nice !! what is the os menu bar ?
It's just transparent kicker with kmenu button, menu applet, desktop button, systray and a clock ;-) The kicker height is set to 24px and I've just modified the wallpaper to put an empty OS X menu bar (of the same height) with a dropshadow made in GIMP. A fake! :)
your desktop is really amazing! how did you change the icon size and where's your wallpaper from? It's a really stylish desktop, keep it up :-) greetings, stephan
thanks. I'm glad you like it (thanks for all comments here to others too). I don't remember where is the wall from, but it's called "whitterz". the icons you can change in kcontrol -> LookNFeel -> Icons -> Advanced (but i really don't know why the one used for gimp2 is smaller here)
hi can you send me the fonts ??? maniac2k3@t-online.de Thx
no, i can't. but you can search for them using http://www.google.com/search?q=lostwage.ttf (if you mean the desktop font, it's LostWages font)
simply, I really love it! Are you planning to release a downloadable theme of this? shakraw
no. it's just a mix-up of themes whose can be found here on kdelook.org there's no reason to release it as a new theme.
i'm not usually a big fan of OSX style desktops, but yours is done very professionally (not half assed). I definitely like it a lot, and the color choices were good ones. I think it's time I do a: startx -- :1 and work on my second desktop =)