Description: This theme set includes my own custom color scheme and QTCurve settings. To use the QTCurve settings, the QTCurve KDE style must be installed.
To import the color scheme, right click the link for it, select 'save as' -> "smoothbeige2.kcsrc" -- then open up kcontrol -> colors -- and import the color settings.
To import the qtcurve settings, right click the link for it, select 'save as' -> "smoothbeige2.qtcurve" -- then open up kcontrol -> style -- Click on the configure button, then click on Options -> Import.
Additionally, the screenshot features the Lowfat Lefty Emerald Decorators with a custom titlebar layout which adds window icons and re-adds the minimize control: (2)I(2)T::ANXC
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1 Comment
Also, consider my other color schemes: SmoothBeige 1: For a smoother yellower look. Tempered Charcoal: For those who like darker themes.