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Ratings & Comments
Hi. I love your color scheme. It goes very nicely with the kore theme. I have a problem with dialog boxes for file meta-data. When I hover over an icon the dialog box is black and the meta-data information appears with a black font. How do I change the font color to white? thanks!
Hi there, I am unfamiliar with the kore theme you mentioned. I'd be glad to help if you could provide some more info, and possibly a screenshot somewhere. Cheers
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. The kore theme is posted here on The link to the theme is I'm having trouble with the dialog boxes (meta-data) that appears when you hover over an icon. The letters are black and I don't know how to change them.
I had some difficult getting emerald to work this time round. Nonetheless, I finally have it going, but I could not replicate the problem you were/are having... sorry! If you could upload a screen-shot for me (post link as reply), to better identify the problem, I will endeavor to help you find a solution. Best Regards
Now this is a way cool color scheme, makes Visduh look like rubbish :-) Thanks a lot!
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