Description: Screensaver for KDE. (tested with kde 3.2, should also work with 3.1) I didn't spend much time with it, it's still quite optimizable i think (QImage and drawImage are very slow, using the X-Windows Shared Memory Extension would be an improvement). Perhaps somebody likes it and has got some time to work on it!
Installation: run ./configure and make in the main directory. copy fluid.kss in src/ to /usr/bin and fluid.desktop in doc/ to /usr/share/applnk/System/ScreenSavers/. You should find the screensaver in the section Rapid Motion.
From the Qt documentation:
The QImage class provides a hardware-independent pixmap representation.
In other words: overhead when painting. Use QPixmap with a QPainter instead and it should be faster. And use bitBlt (in QPaintDevice docu) for transfering the image to the QWidget.
Yes but you can't access the memory of a (serverside) QPixmap. The speed problem is caused by the transfer of image data from the application to the x server. So only XSHM would make it faster.
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From the Qt documentation: _________________________ The QImage class provides a hardware-independent pixmap representation. _________________________ In other words: overhead when painting. Use QPixmap with a QPainter instead and it should be faster. And use bitBlt (in QPaintDevice docu) for transfering the image to the QWidget.
Yes but you can't access the memory of a (serverside) QPixmap. The speed problem is caused by the transfer of image data from the application to the x server. So only XSHM would make it faster.