Description: This is a screensaver that has two modes: The first is the old and simple "flame" effect, which can be configured in various ways such as changing color and adding text. The second is a Twin Peaks tribute mode. This is the flames with some predefined text, plus a little surprise at the end...
Mainly motivated from finding an old source with this flame effect (mode 13h! those were the days) and recently re-watching Twin Peaks.Last changelog:
I really wanted this screensaver. But when I click on the download button, I get some wierd error message that has some wild crap about Microsoft and a 404 message.
Hmm... Maybe this is some kind of dark joke that only a linux user would appreciate?
I'm gettin' the following error (after have dealt with above):
checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!
I've tried up2date qt and up2date qt-devel but had no effect.
Hi i got as far as ./configure and got the following Msg. checking for x... configure: error: can't find x includes Please check your installation and add the correct paths!
Well i would if i had the faintest idea what the hell all that was about!!!
Where the check or what to check for !!!
Sorry you guessed, a newbie!!!
Would like the get this screen saver up and running
Any help
Thanks for your time
Oh im running RH9, a new install,like an hour ago!!!
Do you guys use kdevelop to make these screensavers? If yes how do you guys remove the main.c? What template do you guys use when starting the project? I use mimi KDE and have problem when I removed the main.c
I did use KDevelop. None of the templates is very helpful, so just start with a "KDE mini" project and remove all code. Then you have to link with the kscreensaver lib. That provides a main() and the KScreenSaver class that you have to derive from. You have to define a few extern "C" symbols, one of which returns your KScreenSaver derived class, which is what does all the work. This is very easy to see in any screensaver code.
I'm a semi-newbie installing this on a RedHat 8 machine. It ran .configure just fine, but during the make process, it stopped with the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpng
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Can anyone give me a hand? If you need more info, I can certainly get it for you.
What version of gcc do you have? It might be that it's too old. Either that or you don't have it, but
that would be extremely weird. Just do
% gcc --version
If it says error, then you don't have it. If not it should print the version.
I was working on exactly the same thing for the next version of my fireworks screensaver! This looks relly good though - do you mind if I steal some of your code? ;-)
Ratings & Comments
I really wanted this screensaver. But when I click on the download button, I get some wierd error message that has some wild crap about Microsoft and a 404 message. Hmm... Maybe this is some kind of dark joke that only a linux user would appreciate?
I'm gettin' the following error (after have dealt with above): checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! I've tried up2date qt and up2date qt-devel but had no effect. Bas
I'm running RedHat 9 btw...
Hi i got as far as ./configure and got the following Msg. checking for x... configure: error: can't find x includes Please check your installation and add the correct paths! Well i would if i had the faintest idea what the hell all that was about!!! Where the check or what to check for !!! Sorry you guessed, a newbie!!! Would like the get this screen saver up and running Any help Thanks for your time Oh im running RH9, a new install,like an hour ago!!!
try: up2date gnome-libs-devel up2date arts-devel up2date libpng-devel
Do you guys use kdevelop to make these screensavers? If yes how do you guys remove the main.c? What template do you guys use when starting the project? I use mimi KDE and have problem when I removed the main.c
I did use KDevelop. None of the templates is very helpful, so just start with a "KDE mini" project and remove all code. Then you have to link with the kscreensaver lib. That provides a main() and the KScreenSaver class that you have to derive from. You have to define a few extern "C" symbols, one of which returns your KScreenSaver derived class, which is what does all the work. This is very easy to see in any screensaver code.
I'm a semi-newbie installing this on a RedHat 8 machine. It ran .configure just fine, but during the make process, it stopped with the following error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpng collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Can anyone give me a hand? If you need more info, I can certainly get it for you.
you need to have installed libpng-devel-x.x.x this will give you the library (-lpng) hth crazycrusoe
I ran the ./configure and it comes up with this error configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH Help:) what do I need to do?
What version of gcc do you have? It might be that it's too old. Either that or you don't have it, but that would be extremely weird. Just do % gcc --version If it says error, then you don't have it. If not it should print the version.
I was working on exactly the same thing for the next version of my fireworks screensaver! This looks relly good though - do you mind if I steal some of your code? ;-)
It's GPL, have a blast... The only thing: if you manage to speed it up, let me know.