Description: I have no experience in screensaver making. Some images slideshow screensaver exist but I am thinking of a Video slideshow screensaver.
The idea is that the screensaver shows randomely some parts (few seconds or minutes) of movies that are in a specific directory. It should probabely use xine or mplayer...
If someone has experience with screensaver making or has some links to howtos...
..that would be possible to do (by hacking Media ScreenSaver, for example). But then think about what will that look like. Portions of different episodes of Babylon 5 followed by pieces from Indiana Jones followed by scenes from Wag the Dog followed by some pr0n... That would be hell of a mess :)
So I have looked at this ScreenSaver.
Apparently it uses Kaffeine KPart for movies.
But there is no way to begin the play at random position...
Do you know if there is a way to include mplayer renders in a screensaver ?
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..that would be possible to do (by hacking Media ScreenSaver, for example). But then think about what will that look like. Portions of different episodes of Babylon 5 followed by pieces from Indiana Jones followed by scenes from Wag the Dog followed by some pr0n... That would be hell of a mess :)
HAHAH I imagined and I want it.
Something like that is already existing, although it doesn't show a random part of a movie. It's called Media Screen Saver and comes with KDE.
thanks for advise. I will take a look at this one.
So I have looked at this ScreenSaver. Apparently it uses Kaffeine KPart for movies. But there is no way to begin the play at random position... Do you know if there is a way to include mplayer renders in a screensaver ?