Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Version 1.2 for KDE 4 has arrived!
+++ News +++ News +++
Kannasaver is a screensaver for people who want to learn Japanese. The idea is that by randomly showing Hiragana or Katakana together with the Romaji transcript, they start to stick to your memory after a while.
Kannasaver was inspired by a windows screensaver that does exactly the same, which is available from www.thejapanesepage.com for free.
Dependencies: Other than KDE 4.x, you need to have soft-scalable (truetype) fonts that contain the Japanese characters. Search for the Mika-Chan font set if anything else fails.
Changes in 1.2.1 (2011-04-11)
* Fix issue where desktop file was installed with executable flag set.
2011-04-05: New tarball uploaded that fixes wrong paths. Sorry for the trouble.
Changes in 1.2 (2011-02-06):
* Port to KDE 4.
* Port to KConfigXT,
* Background and foreground colors are configurable now
Many changes due to KDE3 -> KDE4 porting efforts went into 1.2.
Kannasaver was also moved to the KDE infrastructure for development.
* Mon Jan 15 2007 - Mathias Homann
- kannasaver is now hosted on sourceforge
* Sat Oct 29 2005 - Mathias Homann
- michael fellinger made a debian package for kubuntu
* Sun Oct 09 2005 - Mathias Homann
- a few composite katakana were wrong; corrected.
* Mo Jan 03 2005 - Mathias Homann
- font configurable
- mode configurable
- mix between hiragana and katakana is possible
Ratings & Comments
oh, finally :) thanks a lot :) i will install it immediately! one more reason to introduce Linux to my kids..
Kannasaver has been imported into the KDE:Extras project on openSUSE build service, so it's available as a package there now.
Oh, an answer. :) I thought you were inactive. Well, I know, I didn't try to email you directly, but ... anyway. I started porting already. Just a few hours of work, and it does not do anything incredible besides compiling. But if you are interested, I'll share the Git repository somewhere. Since I thought you were inactive, I made some design decisions (no idea whether they are good or bad for a screen saver). Using KConfigXT is one of them; the others somehow evolved while trying to make it compile. I looked at other KDE screensavers so I probably drifted a bit off. That means there are some very ugly things there now, but I planned to fix these once I have the time. So, contact me if you are interested. Regards
Hi, have you plans on porting this amazing screensaver to KDE 4? Cheers
as soon as kdevelop supports KDE4 apps with proper app templates. ...or in other words, maybe somewhere around kde 4.8.9 :/
Hey, my ./configure tells me: checking for KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. So, check this please and use another prefix! What should I do?
are you sure that you actually HAVE the KDE headers installed? the packages in question should have names like kdebase3-devel, kdelibs3-devel and such.
great job!
I just registered so I could say thank you for this screensaver!
Just what I've been looking for. Compiled and works like a charm.
Is there a simple way to port it to simplified or traditional Chinese ? I would be very interrested in it. I'll check it out
i shall attract many with this!
it would be hype if there was xinerama support, or even an option to orient the character.. or even if it moved
Who acually sits around and watches their screen saver tho? guess I'll set my screensaver to turn on after 1 min then if people think I'm weird for letting my screen saver on that often I'll just say my brain was wasting clock cycles and I'm studying ;)
i do. or at least, i dont power down my laptop every time i intend not to use it for a while (think "tv") or the likes.
nice avatar, btw...
this is so cool!
hi i try to install this screensaver on my computer cuz i'm studying japanese. i already ./configure and make it. but after that i just have in cvs/source a kannasaver.kss which when i click on open a window with the scrennsaver workin well in it. i copy this kannasaver.kss in /usr/X11R6/lib/screensaver but it does not appear in the screensaver menu on the configure display menu. what should i do to make it available? thanks
... the usual? ./configure --prefix $(kde-config --prefix); make; make install and you're good to go.
is it possible for you to add the option of no romanji, or a delayed romanji option, so there is a pause between the showing of the kana and the romaji? Other than that, its great.
Have you checked this into the KDE CVS? This would be awesome to have in KDE normally.
listen, this is great.... I got this idea long time a go, but never knew how to make it. here is my feature request. KANJI !!!! show a kanji along with hiragana prononciation AND english meanings. maybe you can look at kiten code for dictionary transalation and stuff... thanks, keep on the good work
naa.. that's not what this screensaver is about. besides, the way i understand subconscious learning, it wouldnt work with something as complex as kanji and their readings. but feel free to grab my source and build from it. its GPL'ed after all ;)
but the japanese characters could look more more nice.. ;) another option "mixed mode" could show hiragana and katakana with random change.. thx
that depends on which fonts you have. compile it with --enable-debug=all and start it from a konsole (kannasaver.kss --test) and you'll get a list of all the fonts you have that are usable, as well as which fonts are used (on top of the list). you'll need to download the latest source for this (i uploaded it yesterday evening).