TuxSaver Mandrake RPM and Debian package


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--RPM of TuxSaver for Mandrake--
--Debian Package of TuxSaver--

You can see Tux living on a tropical island or on an iceberg. Choose your favorite island in the setupdialogbox !

Watch Tux being kidnapped by aliens.
Watch Tux in a submarine.
New Stories and New Objects including sounds!

TuxSaver is a 3D KDE screensaver.
It requires OpenGL and KDE 3.x.
The source is also available at kdelook !!!

Don't watch this screensaver too long, you might get seasick ! :-)

Send me an email If you would like to draw new object in ac3d, make/change stories or add sounds. (see howto in setupdialogbox for more info, it's not very difficult)

koen muylkens,

groeten uit Vlaanderen, (greetings from Flanders) :-)
Last changelog:

--------TuxSaver 1.0------
- ported to automake-1.7, autoconf-2.5x and kdevelop-3.x
- major bugfix (thanks to Matthew Tang for the bugreport)
- translation to Dutch
- translation to French (thanks to G�rard Delafond)

--------TuxSaver 0.9------
- added support for loadable islands
- added a tropical island
- added a iceberg with an iglo
- fixed sound bug with small ogg files
- added new story with I LOVE KDE sign
- redesigned setup dialog box

--------TuxSaver 0.8------
- converted sound from wav to ogg.
- updated howto (thanks to toon muylkens)
- added texturesupport for loadable objects
- added new stories and objects which use textures.
- added a THX-like story using the KDE-logo
- bugfix in textureloader which makes tuxsaver rendering 2 to 3 times as fast !!!

--------TuxSaver 0.7------
- runtime objectloader which means it is a lot more easy to add new objects using ac3d
- bugfixes in objectloader.
- a lot of new stories using new objects and sounds

-------TuxSaver 0.6------
-Tux has 9 different hats now. You can choose his hat in the setupdialogbox, or let TuxSaver choose one randomly.
-You can let tuxsaver stop rendering and just blanking the screen after a few minutes. This is aspecially usefull for laptops where the processorpowerhungry TuxSaver shouldn't run all day.
-TuxSaver Story HowTo to create your own TuxSaver stories.
-better random story chooser.
-added a TuxSaver icon.
-TuxSaver should look a lot better on ATI radeon boards now.

-------TuxSaver 0.5------
-sounds, including a background ocean sound (this can be disabled in the setupdialogbox)
-a brand new setupdialogbox where you can change the height of the waves, the transparancy of the waves,...
-two new stories
-bugfix: Better looking on ATI-videoboards
-bugfix: the icon in the screensaverlist does not disapear anymore after a update-menus.
-lots of other bugfixes and clean ups
-kdevelop integration

-------TuxSaver 0.4--------
-tux has sunglasses
-tux can open his mouth
-some extra stories which use the sunglasses and 'openmouth' functionality
-source release at kdelook.org

-------TuxSaver 0.3--------
-waves in the sea
-the iceberg moves along with the waves
-better follow functions
-higher framerates by the use of OpenGL Display Lists (object get prebuilded on the 3d hardware)
-nicer background
-some new stories

-------TuxSaver 0.2--------
-initial release

Ratings & Comments



Hello, it's me again. All you need are some debs: kdelibs4c2a_3.5.10.dfsg.1-5_i386.deb libart-2.0-2_2.3.21-2_i386.deb libgamin0_0.1.10-2+b1_i386.deb libqt3-mt_3.3.8b-7+b1_i386.deb tuxsaver_1.0-1_i386.deb I took these from Debian Squeeze. You must load DCOPserver and export the library path paths. That's it.


Hello trekker, can you give some additional hints on running TuxSaver (on a current Debian system)? I got the debs from Debian squeeze, but don't quite understand your last sentence about the DCOPserver... Thanks!


Hello groj. I've all debs extracted in a new directory /opt/tuxsaver. As openbox user then I've added export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/tuxsaver/lib:/opt/tuxsaver/lib/i386-linux-gnu in the file /etc/xdg/openbox/enviroment and /opt/tuxsaver/bin/dcopserver & in /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart. I think as KDE user you use other configuration files e.g. .desktop files in ~/.config/autostart and so on. Oh, and I've symlinked /opt/tuxsaver/bin/tuxsaver.kss to /usr/bin/tuxsaver and don't forget the entry in ~/.xscreensaver with tuxsaver -root \n\


Trekker, thanks a lot, it works that way, and the kids are happy ;-)


TuxSaver still works with modern Linux versions like Ubuntu 14.04. I've copied all necessary files in /opt and use XScreenSaver for it to start. If anyone is interested, I could upload all what is needed in a archive somewhere.


Hi, My name is Toon Muylkens, Koen is my brother. He is the project leader of tuxsaver but he doesn't have much time now to work on tuxsaver. The site of tuxsaver is down. But i have made a new one. http://tuxer.tk/ The link above is still the old one, i will ask my brother to change that but he is on vacation at the moment. Have fun with Tuxsaver!


The debian package is not on ftp.debian.org so i can't upgrade it with apt-get :(( this is a bad thing


Great screensaver ! Works with my ATI radeon 7000 , running PCLinuxOS. How about a cowboy theme with Tux dressed up as cowboy riding his favorit lizard , ready to take on the wild and furious bull Gates.


hi, sorry about the late reply I already have developed a cowboy-like island where TUX can walk on. But the thing is: In tuxsaver setup you can change the island but tux does the same things on every island. So when I develop a story where TUX rides on his favorit lizard, he will also ride on his lizard on the SNOW-ISLAND. Which isn't logical. or isn't that important?) I don't know if my cowboy-like island is already included in the current release. If not I will ask my brother (the project leader) to publish a new version of tuxsaver with the nex island included. bye


I'm really looking forward to this one. Thanks a lot !


Hi ! I have no sound running the screensaver. The strange thing is, I get no errors at all. It says playing Ocean.wav (I think it actually means Ocean.ogg, just the message didn't get changed yet), but there's no sound at all. This is what I did/tried: - I did not forget to unmute my soundcard, .mp3s play fine. - Sound is of course enabled in the setup of the screensaver. - Installed the .deb-package. Works perfect, but no sound. - Enabled arts. Without arts, there's of course no sound. However with arts, there neither is. The test-sound in the control center works, so does xine with arts-plugin, and artsplay with .ogg-files. - Removed the .deb-package and compiled from source. artsc-config is found. Works perfect again, just no sound. As said above, there's no error message when running tuxsaver. Here's the output from playing Ocean.wav: worldtime: 0.02 wavefile tuxsaver/sounds/Ocean.wav playing wavfile /usr/share/apps/tuxsaver/sounds/Ocean.wav framerate:58.8235 I also tried to decode Ocean.ogg to Ocean.wav, in case tuxsaver really means .wav and not .ogg. Any idea ?


Hi, I don't have sound either. I never noticed because I never use the ocean sounds. I will discuss the matter with my brother (the project leader) If necessary we will publish a new tuxsaver release (with new stories and islands btw) bye


After I installed tuxsaver I switched my menu style to KDE and then back to MDK default. Now all my screensavers are gone. When I search for tuxsaver, I see the tuxsaver directory. But it's gone from the list. I can't re install from the rpm, cauz it says this package is already installed. How can I get the tuxsaver back?


btw my .kde/share/applink/System/ScreenSavers directory is empty. To what file should I make the link to? to run tux.


I once had the same problem with another screensaver. It is a mandrake-specific problem, it has to do with the way mandrake updates his menu i think. You can try to run 'update-menus' ---> *open konsole (see menu or ALT+F2 and enter "konsole") *enter "update-menus" *restart KDE *does it work?? maybe try to reinstall tuxsaver *open konsole (as listed above) *go to the directory where tuxsaver is located (cd /nameofdirectory's/) *type "su" (+give root/administrator passwoord) *type "rpm -U tuxsaver-1.0-1mdk.i586.rpm --force" ---> because of force option, you can install it over your 'already-installed' version of tuxsaver


This screensaver is very slow on my machine - it's probably my video card (because I have sufficient memory and a 1.5GHz CPU). But be warned it may run like a dog.


Tuxsaver needs 3D hardware acceleration. I have a Geforce2 and tuxsaver works with an avarage frame rate of 15-20 frames per seconde. *Tuxsaver won't run fast enough without a 3D card *I think a TNT2 card isn't fast enough *A geforce2 or better will be just fine *An ATI radeon 8500 or better is fast enough, I think *Don't forget to install the 3D drivers (nvidia.com and ati.com)


It also is very slow an a P4 with 1 GB RAM and ATI 9000, 3D drivers are installed. And it's a pity it doesn't run on machines without 3D card :( It's so cute :)


I loaded the RPM (MDK 9.1 and KDE 3.1), and the settings and everything are in my screensaver selection screen, but the screensaver wont run. It just sits there on a black screen. I have a GeForce 4 Ti4200 with the NVIDIA linux drivers, so it should be sufficient enough. Any ideas on how to get it to run? Thanks! Randy


possible problems: 1) most of the time it is a problem with the nvidia drivers. Try to overwrite your nvidia drivers with the Mesa-rpms. Check if it works with the (unaccelerated) mesa drivers. Then try to reinstall the nvidia drivers. 2) Sometimes the problem is that the screensaver can't find the opengl library. make sure there is a link in /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so. Try to run 'tuxsaver' in a console and see if there are any error messages about the libGL library. 3) did you install libGLU too ?, you need libGLU too, it is part of Mesa.


The NVIDIA drivers remove a MESA lib: libGL.so (and libGL.la) ---> this is probably (almost certain) why it isn't working. *I have put libGL.so and libGL.la on my site. Open it as root and extract it to /usr/lib/ http://users.pandora.be/muylkens/libgl.tar.gz *Or maybe try to reinstall MESA. When it still doesn't work: Run tuxsaver in the konsole and mail me the output; 1) start konsole: 'ALT+F2' 'konsole' or search it in the K-menu. 2) type tuxsaver.kss in konsole 3) mail the output to toon.muylkens_AT_pandora.be (replace _AT_ with @: anti-spam) I will try to solve the problem and mail you back immediatly. btw: I have tried the RPM on my computer (MDK9.2 + NVIDIA drivers), and it worked. (after putting libGL.so in /usr/lib/) bye


Good work ! Installed it, choosed it in Control Center and it works perfectly ;) Keep it on


thanks, We are approaching the 1.0 release, so things ought to get kind of finished. All the things I wanted to add to it for a 1.0 release are almost implemented. So I'm going to clean up the code and the stories a bit, and that will be the next release. I'm always looking for people who want to change/add 3D objects and stories, but nobody seems to be interested.


The Mandrake package must be putting the screensave in the wrong location. As soon as the system is rebooted the screensave is gone. I know when I did some other rpm packages for Mandrake it required you to put a file in the /usr/lib/menu dir, but I have no idea for a screensaver. J


Can you give me more information about this ? On my mandrakesystem and the other computers where I installed tuxsaver, the screensaver didn't disapear. I made a kde-desktop-link in /usr/share/applnk-mdk/.hidden/ScreenSavers Does anybody know if this is the right way to do it ?

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version 1.0
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