Description: This is one of the best skins for K Jofol i have ever used. I instantly knew what all the buttons were. On the skins i have the playlist button is very hard to find the first time you use them but on this i took one look and i knew where it was because it was a round button with a rectangle on it with lines on it, an icon for list or document
Ratings & Comments
I like very much this skin, but my playlist and the equalizer don't have the skin. I need help.
I like the design, but the play buttons are way too dark. I lightened mine up with Gimp.
will the kjofol playlist be available with the kde3 noatun
I realise not everyone will have the problem, but this skin caused Noatun to crash on startup, only this skin has caused it. You have been warned.
This will be fixed in KDE3 (it already got fixed in CVS)