INSTALLATION: (copy it to ~/.kde/share/apps/noatun/skins/kaiman/)
$ mkdir -p ~/.kde/share/apps/noatun/skins/kaiman
$ cd ~/.kde/share/apps/noatun/skins/kaiman
$ tar -zxvf *WindowsMediaPlayer8.tgz
To see noatun as Windows Media Player, please do the following:
1. Enable Kaiman plugin from Preferences->Plugins->Kaiman [x] (Check it)
2. Click Apply
3. From the "Kaiman Skin" section (just appeared after click) select "Windows Media Player".
4. and click 'Apply' That's it.
Ratings & Comments
The previev look's really nice, but the link doesn't seem to work...
I was lookin all over for a Windows Media Player looking skin for noatun and finaly found one. Thanks alot, it looks almost exactly like the real windows media player for win2000 which matches my Windows 2000 theme.
sorry but why should one want that ugly windows-player on unix??? If somebody wants a clean interface then he should take one of the plugins using the kde-gui instead of skins. Skins are there to prvoide a nice look, this skin for sure does not look nice
If you don't like it don't download it and don't use it. Anyway any person no matter how stupid s/he may be can say that Windows Media Player looks better than 'Excellent' and 'Milk-Chocolate' plugins. just enable them along with this kaiman skin. you'll know the difference.
I like this skin as sad as it may be, this great copy of the microsoft front-end is more usable/pleasant than several of the non-ripoff noatun interfaces. maybe someone can come up with an inteface that is at once original, usable, and visually appealing
If someone wants to spend the time doing this, then great, more choice for the users. Besides, people seem to enjoy making things look like something theyre not..... *shrug* Wheres the love?
Why are you people always coming up with the Windows stuff? This is not what this site, and *ix, is about. Why immitate the meek? I mean, stuff like CrossOver, Wine, VMware and all that crap is just ruining it all for Linux. If people were putting their efforts into the ways of the righteousness, we could have had Office XP scrapped, not trying to get it going uder X. Yuck!! Dude, no offence, I respect your efforts, but really, don't you think it's a little twisted having an app resembling all the forces of evil put together staring at you from X?
Here we go again is right! Here we go again with the explanation of why some people use the Windows interface: 1. It gives newbies a sense of comfort when they 1st start using Linux. 2. Some of us run Linux at work but don't want the whole world to know that we are. 3. Some people think that in terms of user interface design and look Windows is pretty good. The boys at Redmond like to make their stuff look good even if under the hood it is not. After all they are trying to catch up to Apple. I understand your point about Crossover and VMWare but unfortunately sometimes you have no choice. Besides I think you have it wrong Unix, Linux and Open Source are NOT here to battle the forces of evil. Although that is the motivation for a lot of people to use *nix and Linux but it is not the only reason. Open Source and Linux give you a choice, if I want my desktop to look like Windows I should be able to (we will ignore copyrights for now). I personally appreciate people that make those Windows skins, themes and icons 'cause I need them. Hope that help explains things a little.
Look and feel is a personal thing -- KDE and GNOME are good examples :) So, i don't see why I cannot have Windoze LnF on my PC. Consider if M$ was not all that devilish in its monopolistic policies and was a really 'open' company -- would you still be looking at another OS? Probably not!
its not just a matter of MS being "devilish" and "monopolistic" and becoming more open, its also a matter of MS selling bad products for high prices.
1. It doesn't necessarily give noobs a sense of comfort. When I was noob i switched to get away from windows - i didn't want things to look "windowsy". 2. Why does it matter if u use Linux, as long as ur getting things done? i would think u'd want to show others that u use linux and also that u probably shouldn't b playing mp3s at work. 3. microsoft has been trying to pretty things up lately but this skin looks like it's created based on windows 98 or 2000. also, if u wanna go for that look, u can make ur entire desktop look that way - u don't need a skin.
okay, linux IS better than windows, i can agree with that, but the rest of the world uses windows, and getting them to like linux is NOT going to be the easiest thing ever. The best thing to do is live wit linux peacefully and use the inovative programs to let us communicate with windows. And secondly, you treat computers as if they were some type of religion!! they are very important in this modern society, but they are NOT vital to our survival! and linux is not the "Path to riteousness" Jesus is the one and only path to riteousness, you should spend more time focusing on that than getting the rest of the world to convert to linux.