I have this theme from our deer friend Deviantdark who is doing an exelent job at making nice themes.Here is his link.http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/deviant+desktop+%5Bsept.+08%5D?content=89329The Wallpaper used is Made by Deviantdark and he should get all the credit for making it.I just did some minor ajustments to the theming.I dont like dark themes so i use Murrina-Slate as a Gtk theme with Mashup-1 as Icon theme.The Sensors in the lower left is WaterMark Screenlet as is the Wifi Status you see there.The clock on the lower Right is TextDateTime screenlet.The terminal you see is Terminal Screenlet.All screenlets used can be downloaded at gnome-lookMost of the other stuff you can find on Deviantdark's page.I hope you like itAny questions just ask.Ps. Sorry for the smudges but i am realy paranoid as it comes to privacy ;-)
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