3. Audacious media player with Milk v1 skin by Greg Formager and hidden Main window - totally playlist-controlled (got everything necessary right there, huh); http://www.winamp.com/skins/details/171470
4. Screenlets on the Widget Layer of Compiz with background brightness set back to 100 and disabled End Widget Mode on Click option to make sure they are always up and it does not interfere with your work;
a. Ring Sensors - summary CPU load, two separate for each core, one for RAM and two for the harddrives; http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ring+Sensors+?content=78159
b. Aerial Calendar; http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aerial+Calendar?content=76515
c. Weather screenlet with the Glassy theme and nice weather tomorrow;
d. Netmon Screenlet customized to match the Gnome System Monitor graph colors set @ 128 alpha channel each and a white background color @ 64; http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Netmon+Screenlet?content=75668
e. Uptime Screenlet with swapped back and front colors; http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Uptime+Screenlet?content=74951
f. ClockScreenlet with Cairo-clock theme by Micro "MacSlow" Mueller;
5. "3 depths of solitude" wallpaper by headvoid; http://customize.org/wallpapers/38672
6. SpaceBot icon (from the Invasion icon set by David Lanham) for Computer item on my desktop; I stretched the icon a little bit (GNOME allows resizing desktop icons), so the robot looks fat and hilareous. http://www.dlanham.com/art/invasion/
So... I managed to make my desktop truly Open Source. =D Feel free to copy.
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