1. GNOME desktop environment;
2. Compiz Fusion window manager;
3. Avant Window Navigator with Opera browser icon by samfamous;
4. Tango icon set + FROIS01 icon package by Dexter2005 used for desktop items, the Home item is manually stretched to overcome in size all other items (I use it more than other);
The .ip file you will download is an archive.

5. Screenlets on the Widget Layer of Compiz with background brightness set back to 100 and disabled End Widget Mode on Click option to make sure they are always up and it does not interfere with your work;
a. ClockScreenlet with Cairo-clock theme by Micro "MacSlow" Mueller;
b. Aerial Calendar;
c. Weather screenlet with the Glassy theme;
d. Ring Sensors - each CPU core load, RAM sensor and two for harddrives;
e. Uptime Screenlet with the background color set to match screen;
f. Netmon Screenlet customized to match the Gnome System Monitor graph colors set @ 212 alpha channel each and black background color @ 0 (fully transparent);
Obviously something is rrreeeally seeding! =D
6. zxc>sk>gsm wallpaper by colossus72;
7. Suffocation playing their 'Pierced From Within' album out loud in Rhythmbox, and the bass enhanced as hell =D
Feel free to customize it. =D
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