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Ratings & Comments
this is freakin awesome. Can you post your conky config?
here is the .conkyrc..there are also other scripts called from the conf file...tell me if u need them too M@ #avoid flicker double_buffer yes #own window to run simultanious 2 or more conkys own_window yes own_window_transparent no own_window_type override #borders draw_borders no border_margin 1 #shades draw_shades no #position (use gap_y 995 for bottom) gap_x 8 gap_y 1001 alignment top_left #behaviour update_interval 1 #colour default_color 82bee6 own_window_colour 222222 #font use_xft yes xftfont Dejavu Sans:pixelsize=10 #to prevent window from moving use_spacer no minimum_size 1266(30) maximum_width 1266 TEXT ${execi 300 fetchmail -ck >~/scripts/email.log}${color}Sys: ${color aaaaaa}${sysname} | ${color}Arch: ${color aaaaaa}${machine} | ${color}Kernel: ${color aaaaaa}$kernel | ${color}Processes: ${color aaaaaa}$processes ${color}Running: ${color aaaaaa}$running_processes | ${color}Freq: ${color aaaaaa}${freq_dyn_g} GHz | ${color}Core Temp: ${color aaaaaa}${execi 5 ~/scripts/coretemp.sh} °C | ${color}E-mail: ${color aaaaaa}${execi 60 sh ~/scripts/email.sh} | ${color}APT: ${color aaaaaa}${execi 300 sh ~/scripts/apt-updates.sh}${alignr}${color}Cpu: ${color aaaaaa}${cpu}% ${color}${cpugraph 10,80 82bee6 82bee6} ${color aaaaaa} ${color}↘ ${color aaaaaa}${font}${downspeed eth0} Kb/s ${color} ${downspeedgraph eth0 10,80 82bee6 82bee6} ${color}↗ ${color aaaaaa}${upspeed eth0} Kb/s ${color} ${upspeedgraph eth0 10,80 82bee6 82bee6}
what font are you using?
here it is http://www.dafont.com/visitor.font M@
you so much for the comment :) i really appreciate it M@
I like it. You have a CONCEPT behind it. Good stuff. /izo\
it's is conky, i can give you the conf file if u need tnx :) M@
...which program is the system panel down? thanks Andreas