Description: most current Gnome 2.14 beta running under Ubuntu 6.04 beta (Dapper Drake flight 4), watching some h264-encoded movie-trailer, some of my cairo-toys at work, compositing enabled, also looking at the gazillon of screensavers coming with Dapper etc.
What fonts are you using? Thanks... Though I'm a KDE user (and have been since version 1.1 :-) ) your screenshot made me give GNOME one more try on my SUSE 10.
Not only do i want to know what starter bar that is, but also, which GDM theme are you using, and where can I get that cool looking clock?
(I am also using dapper btw)
1.) Regarding the "starter" see above.
2.) What from gdm do you see there in the screenshot?
3.) The clock is "MacSlow's cairo-clock". It's listed here on under "Others". The theme used for it is "tango" done by You can grab it from
Best regards...
I really didn't know that Gnome 2.14 will look THAT good!
Let me ask you one question, what is the app you're running down as a starterbar? It looks like a regular gDesklets starter but it is not! It's truelly transperent ( I can see the window border behind it ) and still the icons are not. So please tell me what it is?
The dock-like thing at the bottom are the super early beginnings of my cairo-dock. Before you ask... no it's not released yet and it's not to be released anytime soon, because I really need to focus on "lowfat".
Best regards...
Ratings & Comments
What fonts are you using? Thanks... Though I'm a KDE user (and have been since version 1.1 :-) ) your screenshot made me give GNOME one more try on my SUSE 10.
It's a mix of "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana" and "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman". Best regards... MacSlow
Not only do i want to know what starter bar that is, but also, which GDM theme are you using, and where can I get that cool looking clock? (I am also using dapper btw)
1.) Regarding the "starter" see above. 2.) What from gdm do you see there in the screenshot? 3.) The clock is "MacSlow's cairo-clock". It's listed here on under "Others". The theme used for it is "tango" done by You can grab it from Best regards... MacSlow
I really didn't know that Gnome 2.14 will look THAT good! Let me ask you one question, what is the app you're running down as a starterbar? It looks like a regular gDesklets starter but it is not! It's truelly transperent ( I can see the window border behind it ) and still the icons are not. So please tell me what it is? Thanks
The dock-like thing at the bottom are the super early beginnings of my cairo-dock. Before you ask... no it's not released yet and it's not to be released anytime soon, because I really need to focus on "lowfat". Best regards... MacSlow