My November Desktop Screenshot.- Wallpaper: personal modification of this Iconset: hydroxygen GTK 2.*: DustTheme Panel Launchers: black gnome panel
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Great! Can you tell me what type of font are you using? Thx
Maybe this is not right place for such questions, but in Your desktop panel are audacious status icon & it has transparent background. How make that effect?
I use Alltray to reduce it ;)
Thanks very much! :D
looking forward to seeing your update :)
Is that a faux transparant background for conky? I assume you added the transparant bar to the background image
You're right :) If I didn't do this, I couldn't add the time to the "fake" panel or anything else.
Ops.. I have mistaken. I have updated my desktop and I didn't do it here in gnome-look. Stay tuned and check this page when I'll update it ;)
Is that a custom conky setup? wow i havent seen one look so good before, how'd you do it? Great desk as always by the way!
You're right, is a custom conky setup. I just played with the .conkyrc configuration file... nothing so hard to understand :)
would you please share us that wonderful conky scripts? ;) by the way, it's a perfect desktop :)