UADE 'n' others Launcher
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
"uade-Launcher.sh" is a unix shell script wrapper around different textmode player programs such as UADE, XMP, OGG123, ADPLUG, AYLET etc. To add more formats should be more or less trivial.
It uses different dialog programs like kdialog, zenity, Xdialog or dialog to provide a more or less equal User interface for KDE, Gnome or console.
The launcherscript also comes with a simple m3u playlist handling for local and remote playlist files, e.g Back 2 roots Modradio.
o general: (ba)sh, sed, grep...
o for the UI: at least one of the follwing the dialog programs
kdialog KDE's Dialogprogram
zenity Gnome 2's Dialogprogram
Xdialog GTK+1 based Dialogprogramm
dialog console Dialogprogram
o for remote file handling (http://, ftp://): a file loader:
kfmexec, kfmclient KDE's way get remote files
wget console remote file getting
o for the music: one or more console sound player:
uade: MODS, MEDS, TFMX, DW etc
xmp: IT/XM/S3M etc
timidity++: MIDI files
adplay: ADLIB FM tunes
sap: SAP (ATARI XL/XE Pokey music)
nosefart: NSF (NES Music files)
ospc-0.3.99: SPC (SNES Music files)
aylet: SPECTRUM/CPC AY Music
ogg123: OGG Vorbis replaying
mpg321 (depends on libmad): MP3 replaying
sexypsf: PSF (Playstation music files)
gbsplay: GBS (Gameboy music files)
sc68: SNDH + SC68 (Atari ST music files)
- open, play, stop, subsongs, sound options, openfile, playlist, modradio support
- x-amiga.desktop file with mime infos for kde (gnome ?)
- Back 2 Roots Channel M3u-file
- untar and put the script somewhere in you path.
- for uade/ Amiga music format association to Konqueror/KDE, put the x-amiga.desktop to
your share/mimelnk/audio/ dir in your local KDE dir. Not sure if it works too with
Nautilus/Gnome, too, but could be worth a try.
1) either drag and drop a supported file format onto the script in konqueror
2) call the script with...
a) a local song file as parameter
b) a local m3u playlist as parameter
c) a remote song URL as parameter (caches the file locally at ~/.uade/cachedmods/
for speed up)
d) a remote m3u URL as parameter
3) run the script and select a file in the filerequester
4) associate the Amiga music files to the launcher script as default application
have fun,
mld/uade team
0.01 initial version:
(comes with uade 0.90)
complete rewrite
fixed "empty filename" when opening new song and small fixes
gracefully ignoring QT's/KDE's stderr msgs
first subsong fixes
Subsong consistency fix. Subsong 0 now always plays a song with no special subsong set (it lets the replayer decide what to play)
x-amiga.desktop file for Amiga Music files (for mimelnk)
modulename, player and formatname, current/minimum/maximum subsong number parsing
0.06b (bugfix)
fixed absolute path to uade parsing modinfo
modinfo fix for empty 1st subsong (now it should be finally foolproof *g)
added pal/ntsc speed toggle (e.g. swiv-hiscore.mod, Cust.Defender of the crown, eg)
added stereo seperation toggle/channel mixing (left channel:70 r:%30%, right channel r:30
l:%70), for listening with headphones etc.
added support for simple m3u playlist handling
added support for remote file handling
KNOWN BUGS: broken spaces in filename handling, messy code
rewritten as unified GNOME/KDE/TEXTMODE script
renamed to uade-launcher.sh
added some more chip formats.
added support for GBSplay (Gameboy music player)
added support for sexypsf (Playstation 1 music player)
added support for sc68 (Atari ST SNDH/SC68 music player)
added title and author parsing for some more formats
changed SPC player to ospc-0.3.99
fixed some minor bugs
Ratings & Comments
Nice, but I'd rather have a UADE plugin for GStreamer, so it would work nicely in amaroK. Guess I'll have to stop talking and get down coding ;)
thanks. ;)