Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:desktoprelease-stablesource-package
Description:Requires Qt5/6, ffmpeg, mpv (optional, for previews).
Feedback is always appreciated.
- tooltips
- error handling
- chapter editing?
How to build and install mkvsplitter:
mkdir build; cd build;
cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
sudo ninja install
How to use mkvsplitter:
- open an input mkv file
- choose an output directory
- choose the basename prefix for the output files
- choose the timecodes at which to split (i.e. if you check chapter 2, the split will be right before chapter 2) the start point of the file (i.e. chapter 1) is implicitly checked and its start time (00:00:00.000) can't be altered.
- chapter timecodes can be edited, and it will have an effect on the output files split times, but the "fixed" chapter times aren't reflected in the output files, at least not yet.
- optionally choose which segments to keep/discard (can only interact with first chapter of segment!)
- click split chapters button
- you should be able to abort the process by pressing the stop button, if desired.
- Use QItemDelegate instead of QStyledItemDelegate for a much simpler checkbox in QTableView implementation
- Alternating Section Colors to make it easy to identify where splits are occurring
- Replaced parsing mkvinfo/mkvextract for chapter information with parsing ffprobe's much more friendly json output
- lots of cleanup & miscellany type stuff
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