Since version 0.2 it can also convert time stamps to hh:mm:ss with 'add zeros'
button. For example it can convert a timestamps like 1:22

making it readable for some stupid video players which can't rad 1:22

Since version 0.2 it can also add minumum time to read a subtitle line - differ
ent for long lines and short lines. You cna set the options "Characters per lon
g line" to indicate how much characters doesn the line have to have to be consi
dered LONG in Your opinion. Ths script will then calculate the time spaces in
seconds beteween the lines and it it's too short it'll put a | mark instead of
timestampt so the video player will display the second time without erasing the
preaviouse line from the screen.
You need to have installed :
After lounching the program with ./kechosub it will check for a kplayer instance running. If there's none it'll run kmplayer. Then You have to load the movie You want to translate to kmplayer. After that You only operate with Enter and alt-p (to pause) to enter the subtitle for the current video position.
author polrus
any suggestions will be apreciated
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