To read the full story of how and why this program came into existence read this [^1].
This is really just a frontend to some commands. It was an attempt at a temporary solution until some decent player / kde mediacenter integration happens to support my wintv pvr 150 card.. but I happen to use it every day and other solutions seem to procrastinate so I thought, what the heck, I'll just put it online in case it's useful to some other poor pvr150 souls. I did notice that in the meantime some other chap got the exact same need as me and made a nice attempt using kommander [^2] which is actually a lot more featureful than my little program, but alas, too late, so now we have 2

some remarks
- it currently uses Qt only but I definitely plan on making it a KDE app
- roadmap [^3]
- there is some configuration possible, but mostly through the config file $HOME/.config/Mattiesworld/KTvTune.conf
- there's an svg file included for your desktop shortcut
- by default, it uses vlc for tv viewing and kaffeine for playing back during timeshifting
getting started
- build: qmake && make
- create initial channel list which you can import: scantv -c /dev/video0 -o channels.txt
Ratings & Comments
I faced the same problem some time ago. I have solved it with writing small interface for ivtv-based TV cards. You can see my project site here: It has a LIRC support so you don't need any virtual remote controller on your desktop (you can use the real one!). Now, I'm working on GTK2 interface for this application. I hope I will be able to share it with you soon.
thanks for sharing. I'll definitely check it out!