Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
With QCreateVOB you can decode movies from AVI, WMV, and MPEG 1/2 to VOB files (VOB is DVD video format).
Please report bugs http://the-royal.de/~rmt/index.php?page=4§ion=1
- compilation bug (scr.h)
+ Gamma correction widget
+ save dialog size
+ splash screen (Border selection dialog)
- all kill bugs
- ffmpeg script generation bug
+ menu icon
- all crashing bugs (I think ;-))
- kill ffmpeg bug
- mpeg bug
- compilation bug
- other bugs
+ converting to surround added (in testing)
+ progress bar supports
- border selector bugs (position etc.)
- crashing by "start"
- /bin/bash replaced with sh
- other found bugs
+ qconf build system
+ langugages trnslation german and russian
+ menu entry
- Mplexing->Audio/Video sync bug
- Pprogress bar bugs (NOT ALL)
- Process dialog -> status bar bug
- Other bugs
+ ['] replaced with ["] ;-)
+ mpeg 1/2 support
+ wmv support
Ratings & Comments
A SlackWare 10.2 TGZ Package with SlackBuild script is ready to download!! http://www.slacky.it http://www.slacky.it/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=1&func=fileinfo&filecatid=767&parent=category
I had same problem. I reported it, but no mesage. I think the problem with -v option on transcode it's not very important (I think it's just verbose mode). The real problem is with -w option that the program use. You have 2 solutions: 1.- Every time you convert a avi file, you need to edit the script and DELETE "-V" option and "-w 0" option too. That worked for me. 2.- If you don't want to do it everytime, you need to modify the soruce file (qcreatevob.ui.h) and make it good (without the options -w and -V). Delete %V on line 229 and %vbitrate on line 330 on source_directory. Example: /home/martin/programas/qcreatevob-1.1/src/qcreatevob.ui.h Then uninstall app (make uninstall && make clean) and reinstall (./configure && make && make install) I hope this help. At least, this worked for me. I use gentoo.
Me to, with transcode v0.6.14 on Gentoo. Any help?
i'm getting this error from transcode: *** WARNING: The option -V is deprecated. *** *** Transcode internal frame handling is now in YV12 / YUV420 *** *** format by default because most codecs can only handle this format, *** *** otherwise leading to unnecessary time and quality wasting conversions. *** *** If you want to have to "old" behaviour (RGB24 as internal format), *** *** then please use the new -1/--use_rgb option *** transcode v0.6.14 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2004 T. Bitterberg [transcode] critical: invalid bitrate parameter for option -w
Having the same problem myself using transcode v0.6.14 on suse 9 any help ?
get a Seite nicht gefunden error :(
Sorry! I have problems with my webhost :-(. You can download this app here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=135242&package_id=148460 I search for a good server. If somebody can help me, send me email chapaevrmt@mail.ru. Thanks!
"You don't have permission to access /~rmt/starnet/media/downloads/qcreatevob-1.0beta1.tar.gz on this server." I'm getting that error while trying to d/l from the site.
I have changed the Permission to 777 (read for all users). Check the download now. ;-)
Got it. Thanks. Now to try it out.
777 means read and write for all users - you actually meant 755, didn't you ?
Thanks for report. Please report bugs in the future here: "http://the-royal.de/~rmt/index.php?page=4§ion=1" Chapaev
Please read my above post regarding clicking the Add button before clicking Start. As for 'make install', there is no 'install' rule in the makefile at the moment. Not sure why ( perhaps the author simply hasn't gotten around to adding it yet ).
Hi. Having problem running su -c "make install". Says Nothing to be done for 'install'. However, I have the binary called qcreatevpob and can run it but after I choose a movie and configuring some things in it and push the start botton I get a segmentation fault and it crashes.
Can you make the program check and see if you've added anything into the queue before clicking Start. If i leave it empty and click Start, it just dies with a Segmentation Fault... not pretty at all. A pop-up with something like 'Please click Add to add the current movie to the queue!' with an OK button would be perfect :) Lawrence
Ok i do it ;-)
Hey, Thanks for fixing the bug I reported :) I will take a few moments in the next few days to begin making some Debian stuff for you, so people can easily make packages if they want to. Lawrence
Can you please add a feature to easily convert from PAL to NTSC and vice versa?
>> Can you please add a feature to easily convert from PAL to NTSC Convert PAL -> NTSC and NTSC -> PAL is allredy in use with "-f" and "--export_fps" options. >> and vice versa? Wat is it?
Hi, Nice program. I used it to convert a AVI into a DVD. Easy to use and sensible default choices. For the future, why not also use dvdauthor to create a DVD-Video structure and mkisofs to create an ISO. Both could be made into selectable options, enabled by default. I already know how to do this, so if you need any help, let me know. I'll be glad to help improve this program :) I have already sent a bug report through your site ( regarding enclosing filenames in quotes, in the script generated ) and I'm working on making your program integrate nicely into Debian. Lawrence
Disregard the idea to add dvdauthor and mkisofs support. After looking deeper at how your program works, it would be a pain in the ass to add support for them. It's also pointless as both as easy to use. Perhaps a small snippit in the documentation would suffice. If you need help with it, I can assist :) Lawrence