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great app thanks a loooooooooooooot buddy
+1 You have a new fan
Hi! This seems very interesting indeed, but according to the info this depends on qt3, is this correct? Are there in this case any plans to make a qt4 version? //Robert
Yes i would like to definitely make this depends on qt4, but unfortunately gambas qt4 bindings will come for gambas3 only, and it is still in alpha (maybe beta?) stage. I don't know about any distribution which already packages gambas3, so i'm just sitting waiting just like you ^_^
Please add shut-down comuter option.
By now, you can go in: General-options, Misc, Post-command, and write: "poweroff" or "shutdown". Those commands are executed as soon as the media has finished (or manually stopped) If you need something more specific, please, ask again.
Fx, for now its ok. In the future, would execute the command only after the end of the list to play and enable / disable this funkcion on the front panel of the program
I translated xt7-player for pt_br I waiting for your approval in forum sorry for bad inglish.
Thank you very much for your impressions, jirityr, very appreciated. I'll definitely work on them.
I just tested Xt7-Player and I have found couple of things what could be done better: 1) Missing Cancel button in dialogs. 2) Somebody doesn't use TTF for subtitles. Then the option -ass doesn't allow to play any movie. There is missing option -font for specification of the path to the font (e.g. -font ~/.mplayer/arial-14/font.desc)! 3) It is strange to a open new window when you click on "Video drivers" or "Audio drivers". It would be better to have it like a tab in the tab list. The same with "Chains". 4) All options could have a hint with option name (e.q. Rebuild Index if necessary -> Hint: -idx) 5) The default profile should be saved automatically when you click on Apply or OK. There could be button Default to restore previous setting without saving. Above mentioned Cancel button next to the Default would be nice. 6) If I execute Xt7-Player from "Run command" in KDE, the player starts up but it shows message "This application has raised an unexpected error and must abort. [21] Out of bounds. MplayerClass.?.0". If I execute it from the konsole, it is OK. 7) The final executable file could be called simply Xt7-Player instead of the Xt7-Player.gambas. 8) The icon file should have the same root name as the executable file (Xt7-Player.png?). If you want, you can add my ebuild ( for Gentoo users into you download list. Cheers, Jiri
And I forget to say that it would be nice if you could provide proper package with the soucre code. It should be called Xt7-Player-src-0.7.1.tar.gz and not only Xt7-Player-latest-src.tar.gz. Inside this package could be a directory called Xt7-Player-0.7.1 or just Xt-Player (as you have it now).
And do not forget to add the configure script and the Makefile into the SRC package!
Src link updated, it should be good now.
I just tested Xt7-Player and I have found couple of things what could be done better: Quote:1) Missing Cancel button in dialogs.
I'll look into this, but by now, to "cancel" what you modified in the current form is sufficient to go into "menu->profile->reload current profile", and only the current form will be reloaded to the previous saved settings.
Quote:2) Somebody doesn't use TTF for subtitles. Then the option -ass doesn't allow to play any movie. There is missing option -font for specification of the path to the font (e.g. -font ~/.mplayer/arial-14/font.desc)!
I'll add it.
Quote:3) It is strange to a open new window when you click on "Video drivers" or "Audio drivers". It would be better to have it like a tab in the tab list. The same with "Chains".
I know it may be a little confusing at start, but it is intended.
Low resolution screens (crt tvs) would run into problems, expecially with the chains form, i'll think about merging subtitles section into general option anyway.
Quote:4) All options could have a hint with option name (e.q. Rebuild Index if necessary -> Hint: -idx)
Good idea ;-)
Quote:5) The default profile should be saved automatically when you click on Apply or OK. There could be button Default to restore previous setting without saving. Above mentioned Cancel button next to the Default would be nice.
Your proposal is just a totally different behaviour.
By now, any setting applied is meant to be 'tested' until "save to current profile" is selected.
Work flow is like:
Watch the movie, modify settings, apply (test) them ;
If something went wrong, select profile menu -> reload current profile;
If you are satisfied, select profile menu -> save to current profile.
And, because of mplayer doesn't allow you to change settings on the fly (a restart with new settings to the current stream position is required through the apply button), "OK button" allows the user to blind accept some modifications, make others, and watch the results on the next apply with a single stream restart.
Quote:6) If I execute Xt7-Player from "Run command" in KDE, the player starts up but it shows message "This application has raised an unexpected error and must abort. [21] Out of bounds. MplayerClass.?.0". If I execute it from the konsole, it is OK.
It's just a case and a known bug, try to launch it again from "run command", i need to figure out why it happens (randomly), by now you can disable the startup animation, and i bet the problem will disappear, just a workaround.
Quote:7) The final executable file could be called simply Xt7-Player instead of the Xt7-Player.gambas.
I agree, but gambas ide doesn't seems to like it. rpm/deb packages are automatically built by the ide using *.gambas, sorry.
Quote:8) The icon file should have the same root name as the executable file (Xt7-Player.png?).
Yep, Fixed.
Quote:If you want, you can add my ebuild ( for Gentoo users into you download list.
I'll package it better, first.
The Cancel button could be used just for closing the window. I see the sense of the loading/saving of the setting now, so the Default button is not necessary. I'm looking forward to test your new release.
Sorry, I didn't know about gambas. I hope it will get supported good in newer KDE soon.
It looks like a good app, but how come you made this for KDE3? I am on Ubuntu Intrepid and KDE3 is not even here as an option, since it's too old. Or was the KDE3.x requirement a typo?
Sorry about that, but gambas does not yet support kde4, and some features are not well implemented with gnome/gtk bindings, so i'm stuck with a kde3.x environment.
Support for v4l devices is absent, but You can: -generate the channel definitions by command line - add some (-tv ) mplayer command options to xt7 gui -add the channels to the playlist using "add generic uri" options, something like tv://
It look pretty cool! Does it have also V4L support for analog and/or digital TV and radio? I mean something like video device selection, channel list definition, and so on.
i dont know anything about gambas, i just compile package but how can i run your program?
You need to install gambas before the compile process. Next, unpack autotools archive from the attached file to a folder and cd into it. Do ./configure ; make ; make install you should have now /usr/local/bin/Xt7-Player.gambas Don't forget to install mplayer (and audiotag, not mandatory). Make sure /usr/local/bin/Xt7-Player.gambas is executable and just launch it from shell: /usr/local/bin/Xt7-Player.gambas [mediafile] If you want to open gambas files from kde, you need to create a new file-type (for *.gambas extension) and open it with "sh -c" command. Sorry for that, i'll try to make a package for slack too on the next release.
ok, i got it, but i need to run it from command line :/ in first sight looks just like SMplayer as now it works fine and has nice filters support, need more testing
As i wrote in the prevoius comment, make a new file association for *.gambas files in kde and use "/bin/sh -c" as command to open them.