Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It is a PyQt front end for hcitool,sdptool and rfcomm. It allows you to scan for bluetooth devices and their services, and then to connect to those services through a rfcomm connection. Once done that, you can use for example KPPP to connect to the internet through your cell phone by bluetooth (using the /dev/rfcomm* device).
It is usable (it works for me, that is the reason why i decided to do it), but needs some work to be a production app. If someone is interested in improving it, or has some feedback, please contact me.
Also, if somebody is interested in collaborate (translating, coding, designing icons, or suggesting ideas), post a comment.
September 05 2009: New version beta. Improved interface including text labels for easyer understanding, and system tray icon that allows to hide the window.
Changed the subprocess system to Qprocess, enabling to check the errors in connections. Now the connection list updates automatically when a connection is closed.
Added README.txt file with instructions to install and run the program.
September 02 2009: Added translation support (only english and spanish for the moment, help wanted for other languages)
Ratings & Comments
How to switch language in application?
quote:"Qubladi stands for Qt Bluetooth Attach Device (if someone comes with a better name, i am open to suggestions)." Here it is: qtbluezad - leading "qt" = quasi-name-standard for QT programs - bluez = easy to recognize what's the thing about.. - ad = for attaching devices and at the same time it sounds a bit like "adding" something (the device..) At least: My suggestion is very meaningful, easy to remember and easy to pronounce..